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More "Automatic" automation


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This may be a feature request or it may be something that I just don't know how to do (if the latter, please point me in the right direction). 
I would like the ISY (via the MobiLinc app) to be able to 'ask me' intelligent questions (via pop up challenge-response) based on conditions at the time. For instance, when I cross the GeoFence - I would like it to deliver a pop-up to my phone that says something to the effect of "I see you are home, would you like to open the garage door?"
I know I could do that automatically, but I don't necessarily want to. For instance, I always drive to the mailbox when I get home, so I cross the geofence, effectively 3 times (in-out-in). I would want to be asked when to open the door. 
Another application might be whether or not to turn on lights in a room - "It is after sunset, do you want the family room lights on?" - not just blindly turn them on at a given time.
Make sense?


On more addition to this topic. I would also like to set input based on a pop up. For instance, if the house gets to 80 degrees, a pop-up may say, "It is 80 degrees in the house, what would you like to set the AC to?" - with input back "76", being put into a rest or HTTP GET command to set the thermostat (I use a Venstar T5800) to 76. Possible?
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Hi Ross,


You can do all of your top items (not the input option) using a combination of push notifications and the Advanced Locations plug-in for MobiLinc.



With the Advanced Locations plug-in you can trigger based on geo-fence or iBeacon. With the latest MobiLinc version 4.5 and later all notifications based on geo-fence or iBeacon or true push notifications based on status the notification in the iPhone Notification center or the Apple Watch will offer actions for you to tap. 


For example, with the Advanced Locations plug-in you can enter "I see you are home, would you like to open the garage door?" on the Garage door sensor device for the Advanced Location->Geofence Notify message. On your iPhone or Apple Watch this comes with an option to "Open/Close" the garage door you can simply tap in the iPhone notification or the Apple Watch.


For your sunset example, you'd need to use MobiLinc Connect and push notifications on a program that triggered based on sunset. Keep in mind that the actionable item for programs is to always "run" the program. So, if you trigger on the "Else" or False case, the run should run to True to execute when tapped to Run on the iPhone/Apple Watch.


For your input idea, it's a good idea, but MobiLinc isn't setup to take an input value and route it to the thermostat based on a notification.



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This all sounds like you don't want things automatic but under manual control. Most garage door openers come with a little box with buttons on it that open and close your garage doors from a distance. I just push one of them while I am giving most of my concentration on my driving. Here the cops will ticket you for using a mobile phone sitting at an intersection due to the experiences gained over the last few mobile device distraction years. :)


I think it would be easier to go to the wall and operate a switch or thermostat rather than a cell phone app each time a device needs to be operated. This sounds like a step way back from smart home automation.


You sound like a good candidate for the Echo voice control  if you don't like automation.

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This all sounds like you don't want things automatic but under manual control. Most garage door openers come with a little box with buttons on it that open and close your garage doors from a distance. I just push one of them while I am giving most of my concentration on my driving. Here the cops will ticket you for using a mobile phone sitting at an intersection due to the experiences gained over the last few mobile device distraction years. :)


I think it would be easier to go to the wall and operate a switch or thermostat rather than a cell phone app each time a device needs to be operated. This sounds like a step way back from smart home automation.


You sound like a good candidate for the Echo voice control  if you don't like automation.


That's funny. I totally love automation. I have everything from my lights to my pool controlled via the ISY. I just want automation that is truly "smart" - something that can intelligently ask questions and take a response. Not just respond to pre-programmed (and I have plenty of those) rules. Now... if Echo could integrate with the ISY (vs. an Insteon hub), then heck yes I'd get on board with it! 8) MobiLinc's voice control is so-so at best.

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If the system has to ask then I wouldn't call it "home automation" because it isn't automated.


Useful, but not automated :)


A simple occupancy sensing light control with ambient lighting sensor is home automation. Humans don't need to intervene.

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Like rrehart, I see asking as more "Automatic" automation. For example, I do sometimes drive in only to leave shortly later, so I don't always want the garage door to open automatically as I approach the house.

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Hi Ross,


You can do all of your top items (not the input option) using a combination of push notifications and the Advanced Locations plug-in for MobiLinc.



With the Advanced Locations plug-in you can trigger based on geo-fence or iBeacon. With the latest MobiLinc version 4.5 and later all notifications based on geo-fence or iBeacon or true push notifications based on status the notification in the iPhone Notification center or the Apple Watch will offer actions for you to tap. 


For example, with the Advanced Locations plug-in you can enter "I see you are home, would you like to open the garage door?" on the Garage door sensor device for the Advanced Location->Geofence Notify message. On your iPhone or Apple Watch this comes with an option to "Open/Close" the garage door you can simply tap in the iPhone notification or the Apple Watch.


For your sunset example, you'd need to use MobiLinc Connect and push notifications on a program that triggered based on sunset. Keep in mind that the actionable item for programs is to always "run" the program. So, if you trigger on the "Else" or False case, the run should run to True to execute when tapped to Run on the iPhone/Apple Watch.


For your input idea, it's a good idea, but MobiLinc isn't setup to take an input value and route it to the thermostat based on a notification.



Which beacons (manufacturer, type) do you recommend using?

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Like rrehart, I see asking as more "Automatic" automation. For example, I do sometimes drive in only to leave shortly later, so I don't always want the garage door to open automatically as I approach the house.


See hat wouldn't apply to me well as I  don't carry any keys and always enter via the garage door.


I have a mostly foolproof automatic system. My garage door opens based on some complex logic but fully automatically.


If I don't reach up and press the sequence anti-cancellation button within a few hundred yards of my house the sequence is cancelled and garage door remains closed..

If I do reach up and press the anti-cancellation button the automatic sequence illogic succeeds and the garage door opens before I arrive.


The beauty of this method is I can answer the question pre-posed of me  to change the logical sequence without the usage of a mobile phone, mobile provider, or monthly bill. I find the non-subscription fee, non-cloud dependant, remote units much less breakable than the glass screen devices hung on the sun visor in the vehicle. :)


These sequences could be accomplished with a mobile app by activating  a cancel sequence variable in the ISY ahead of time to  cancel the automatic sequence for say 10-30 minutes before arriving. If you didn't cancel the sequence the garage door would open as usual by geofencing location. This could give you the best of both worlds with what you already have.


Or you could tighten your geofence zone to not include you at the mailbox but that wouldn't be applicable to other ideas using the same concept.

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