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Ramp Rates & Scenes


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If I have a scene with a ramp rate set to 9 minutes. Will an Off command to that scene use that ramp rate? 


The fade down is preprogrammed at a certain rate I think I read. 



I set a scene to be on. 

then change the scenes devices ramp rates to 9 minutes. 


I wait 45 seconds


then turn the scene off but the 9 minute ramp rate does not apply. it just goes right off. I see that the ramp rates have been modified but the 9 minutes does not seem to apply when turning the scene on and off. 


Also is it necessary to add wait times between commands? ie adjust scene xyz ramp rate, wait 2 secs, adjust scene wxy ramp rate, wait 2 secs. 



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Unless the device is a very old Dimmer a 9 minute Ramp Rate no longer exists.  8 minutes is now the max Ramp Rate for On/Off commands. 


Fade Up/Down does not use the On/Off command Ramp Rate.  Fade Up/Down uses something in the range of 2 to 3 seconds. Fade Up/Down requires a Fade Stop.


I have not found a Wait is necessary between Adjust Scene statements.

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Ramp rate programmed for a device in a scene is the same for both on and off rates unless it is adjusted between on and off calls.



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If you set a ramp rate of 9 minutes, then the ramp rate is ignored.


haha that is pretty funny. I went to the extreme to test a theory and I went a bit too far. That doesn't make sense from a UI perspective. why not take that out ? or is that the point if for some reason you want to ignore the ramp rate. 

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If you happen to have some old Insteon equipment as I do a 9 minute ramp rate is still useful.  It is always good to read the Specs section on the retail page for a device which indicates what the device actually supports (now 8 minute max ramp rate).  Actually the ramp rate field runs from 0x1F (0.1 second rate) to 0x00 (was 9 minutes but now causes a 0.2 second ramp rate).  


The 9 minute value (0x00) could have come from not setting a ramp rate value which caused diagnostic issues because no one waited for 9 minutes.  Years ago SmartLabs solved that problem by having a 0x00 ramp rate field result in a 0.2 second ramp.    

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That's to accommodate owner's of older SwitchLinc's. You wouldn't want features of you current devices disabled in the event they're no longer included in the newest devices.

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  • 9 months later...

Thanks LeeG.  I forgot about the Fade Up Fade Down and Ramp rate.  The wording within the Universal Devices is confusing and should be changed. I will re-cap for others having this issue.

Fade Up/Down is a fixed rate that you cant control and is around 2 seconds.

Ramp rate controls how fast a light comes on and off within a scene.

When you set a scene use the on or off to utilize the ramp rate that is set in the scene. 

Using the fade up or down, will cause it to use a 2 second ramp rate.

Ramp rates set to 9 min will cause newer equipment to come on in .2 seconds.

If your scene lighting ramp rate is not working check the following:

1. Ramp rate not set to 9 min (use 8 min or less)

2. Do not use fade up or fade down to set the scene

3. Use the On or Off when Setting the scene.

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