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One way Link/Scene


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I'm trying to inversely cross link 2 switches, although I'm fairly confident I can do this through local programming, I can't figure out how to do it with a Scene.


This is what I want to accomplish:

1. When Switch 1 is turned On, then turn off Switch 2.

2. When Switch 1 is turned Off, then turn on Switch 2.

3. When Switch 2 is manipulated, then do nothing to Switch 1.


On a related note, I accomplished the following through local linking but have no idea how to replicate it in a scene


1. When Switch 1 is turned off, then turn off Switch 2.

2. When Switch 1 is turn on, then do nothing to Switch 2.

3. When Switch 2 is manipulated, then do nothing to Switch 1.



I am aware that this could all be done with a program, but I don't see why I should have to use a program when local linking can accomplish the same. 


Hope someone can help, thank you!

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"1. When Switch 1 is turned off, then turn off Switch 2.

 2. When Switch 1 is turn on, then do nothing to Switch 2."


#1 is simply linking switch1 as Controller with switch2 as Responder.  However, how did you accomplish #2 with linking only. ?


EDIT: Once switch1 is a Controller switch2 cannot "ignore" On command.


EDIT2:  The Responder On Level for switch2 (when switch1 is Controller) can be set to 0% On Level so that switch2 will not turn On.  However, the 0% On Level will turn switch2 Off when it receives the On command from switch1 so the On command is not being ignored.  

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The linking process for switches is to set the switches to the position you want them to respond on.The full process of linking is to link them at both positions, I simply only linked it at one position.


So I set switch 1 to Off and switch 2 to off and performed the link following Insteon instructions. I did not set both switches to On and link again. This works perfectly for me, when switch 1 is turned off, switch 2 turns off, however, when switch 1 is turned on, switch 2 does nothing. Again, just curious how to accomplish the same in a scene. I'm assuming that EDIT#2 is how I would accomplish the same thing using a Scene? Which makes sense, because that's as far as I got when trying to tackle the new inversely-controlled linking. I'll try it out!



Now the question is, how do I accomplish the new stuff that I'm trying to do, an inverted control. By doing what you proposed in EDIT#2 I can turn off Switch 2 when Switch 1 is turned on, but how do I turn on Switch 2 when Switch 1 is turned off? I can try doing a manual link and see if it works for me, but again, how would I do this in ISY without using a program?

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This is what I want to accomplish:

1. When Switch 1 is turned On, then turn off Switch 2.     Make Switch 1 a scene controller and Switch 2 a responder with an On-level of 0%

2. When Switch 1 is turned Off, then turn on Switch 2.     Not possible using a scene. Although an On command can send an On or an Off or something in-between, Off can send only an Off command.

3. When Switch 2 is manipulated, then do nothing to Switch 1.     If you don't create a scene with Switch 2 as a controller of Switch 1, then manipulating Switch 2 will do nothing to Switch 1.

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"So I set switch 1 to Off and switch 2 to off and performed the link following Insteon instructions. I did not set both switches to On and link again. This works perfectly for me, when switch 1 is turned off, switch 2 turns off, however, when switch 1 is turned on, switch 2 does nothing."


This is not possible.  Turning switch1 On actually turns switch2 Off because switch2 was linked in the Off position.   Turn switch2 On and then turn switch1 On.   switch2 will turn Off which is not "switch 2 does nothing". 

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Are you adverse to using a program to do this?  There will be a lag of maybe up to 1 second, but a program can do exactly what you want.



control switch 1 is turned on


set switch 2 off



control switch 1 is turned off


set switch 2 on


As mentioned, there isn't a way to do what you want with pure Insteon linking.  You simply can't have an off command from switch 1 turn switch 2 on using linking.


EDIT:  If you linked the 2 switches with switch 1 as a controller and switch 2 as a responder with an on level set to 0%, that would accomplish program 1.  Then use program 2 to do the opposite.  There should be enough lag on program 2 that even though the linking is shutting the switch off (pushing off on switch 1 will send and off command to switch 2), that switch 2 should turn on.  You'll have to play with it but it would probably work.

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Control On (or Off) requires that the device sends an On  (or Off) signal. Each time the device sends an On (or Off)  signal the program will execute. If a program or scene repeats an On (or Off)  signal, that signal is ignored


Status On (or Off) requires that the state of the state of the devices changes from Off to On (or On to Off). If a program or scene or the device changes the state of the device, then the program will run. If a scene or program or the device sends a signal that does not change the state of the device, then the program will not run.

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