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OutletLinc 2472D and Ramp Rates


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Hello all -


Newbie post (at least to these forums), please advise if inappropriate to this forum.

Objective is to imitate sunrise/sunset for animals. I had setup Houselinc scenes to control the light loads (which were plugged in to 2472D v .40) to a maximum ramp rate of 8 minutes. This was working quite well, but I decided to move to the ISY994i Pro (ZW/IR) as Houselinc software was no longer supported.

I have not been able to figure out how to get the OutletLinc to turn the lights on using the slow ramp rate, even though the device is set to a ramp rate of 8 minutes, and in the scene, the Outletlinc is set to 8 minutes.


Note - there is no controller for the scene - it is only triggered by the ISY994i.


Any suggestions?
Much appreciated,



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Note - there is no controller for the scene - it is only triggered by the ISY994i.


Do you mean that you are using a program? If so, paste the program here. Right click on the program name > select Copy to Clipboard.

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Excellent! I get a response from both StusViews and LeeG - makes my day.


The program is


10. Evening - [iD 001A][Parent 0010]

        On Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
        Time is  9:14:00PM
        Set Scene 'Evening Halogen Scenes / Halogens / 10. Evening 10' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Not quite sure how to paste a screenshot, LeeG, but the ramp rate for the device in the scene is set to 8 mins. just where you spec'd. On Level is 10% (the next program, set exactly as the first, goes to 0%).


Thanks, guys.


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Ensure that you didn't accidentally set the ramp rate to beyond 8 minutes. Anything beyond that value responds immediately because the 9-minute ramp rate has been discontinued, but it's there for those who have much older devices.

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Ramp rates are based on going from full on (or off) to full off (or on). At 8 minutes, going from 80% to 60% should take a little more than 1-1/2 minutes. What is the result if you set a different ramp rate, say 4 minutes?

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Updates - of the 3 outletlincs, 1 is working as expected. 1 is not. 1 is unknown. That, at least, might indicate it's quite probably the outletlincs themselves, and not the ISY994 or the programming. I'll do some more sleuthing and get back to you.


BTW - Stu, so the slowest a full "off" can go is 8 minutes? Any way around that? I'd love it to be about 30 minutes with a completely gradual off.


Again, thanks for all the help (not just here, but on all the forums I've been reading).


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so the slowest a full "off" can go is 8 minutes? Any way around that? I'd love it to be about 30 minutes with a completely gradual off.


Yes, but it'll be a step-wise rather then a gradual dimming.






       dim device or scene to z%

       wait x time

       dim device or scene to y%

       wait x time

       dim device or scene to x%

       wait x time




       wait x time

       dim device or scene to 0%

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I found one of the 2472D devices would not turn On or Off.   It would respond to Fast On and Fast Off which sounds like it was simply using a very slow ramp rate but that was not the case.   I finally double tapped the Set button and the OutletLinc responded as it should.   Try a Set button double tap on the OutletLinc that appears not to be working at all.


Now the OutletLinc takes a full 8 minutes to go from Full Off to Full On.with a Scene On. 


EDIT:  right click on OutletLinc (not Scene) and select Query.   It will show the OutletLinc Current State value moving up or down at the 8 minute ramp rate when OutletLinc is reacting to Scene On or Scene Off command. 

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Question. If you dim from 100% to 90% with a ramp rate of 3 minutes, will it take 3 mins to get to 90%?


If so, couldn't this be repeated to achieve a 100% to 0% dim over 30 minutes?


Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

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Question. If you dim from 100% to 90% with a ramp rate of 3 minutes, will it take 3 mins to get to 90%?


If so, couldn't this be repeated to achieve a 100% to 0% dim over 30 minutes?


Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


As Stu illustrated there is a work around but it would not be a smooth transition. I am unsure if this would be a big issue so long as the lights started to dim in a step fashion which is ultimately what the OP wanted anyways. I just took what the OP had asked at face value and literally and did not consider using other methods to extend the time frame.


Stu's suggestion is a great work around for this and to me would fit the OP's needs.

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"Question. If you dim from 100% to 90% with a ramp rate of 3 minutes, will it take 3 mins to get to 90%?"


No.   The Ramp Rate is from Full Off to Full On.  From the User Guide.....


Definition: Ramp rate is the time it takes OutletLinc Dimmer to go from Full-off to Full-on (& vice versa)


That is consistent across the Insteon dimmers. 


EDIT:  the ramp time from 100% to 90% would be 10% of 3 minute Ramp Rate.


180 x .10 = 18 seconds to go from 100% to 90%

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"Question. If you dim from 100% to 90% with a ramp rate of 3 minutes, will it take 3 mins to get to 90%?"


No. The Ramp Rate is from Full Off to Full On. From the User Guide.....


Definition: Ramp rate is the time it takes OutletLinc Dimmer to go from Full-off to Full-on (& vice versa)


That is consistent across the Insteon dimmers.


EDIT: the ramp time from 100% to 90% would be 10% of 3 minute Ramp Rate.


180 x .10 = 18 seconds to go from 100% to 90%

Thanks! That what I thought deep down.
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Updates - of the 3 outletlincs, 1 is working as expected. 1 is not. 1 is unknown. That, at least, might indicate it's quite probably the outletlincs themselves, and not the ISY994 or the programming. I'll do some more sleuthing and get back to you.


BTW - Stu, so the slowest a full "off" can go is 8 minutes? Any way around that? I'd love it to be about 30 minutes with a completely gradual off.


Again, thanks for all the help (not just here, but on all the forums I've been reading).


Here is a v5.x method to ramp up/down at any speed you desire. The in/decrement steps can be 1% per step at any time speed you desire.


Note I use two repeat loops as my LED bulbs are very nonlinear. The change from about 30% to 100 % is not that great so I speed it up to 3% per jump. Alternatively, the ramp step time could have been increased for the same effect.


If the nonlinearity of the lamp response is not a concern the second loop can be eliminated and the first 'Repeat While' condition set to 100% for simplicity.

Test Dim Loop - [ID 00F0][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' Fast Off
        $MBR_Lamp.level  = 1
        Repeat While $MBR_Lamp.level <= 30
           Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' On '$MBR_Lamp.level %'
           Wait  1 second
           $MBR_Lamp.level += 1
        Repeat 1 times
        Repeat While $MBR_Lamp.level <= 100
           Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' On '$MBR_Lamp.level %'
           Wait  1 second
           $MBR_Lamp.level += 3
        Repeat 1 times
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Here is a v5.x method to ramp up/down at any speed you desire. The in/decrement steps can be 1% per step at any time speed you desire.


Note I use two repeat loops as my LED bulbs are very nonlinear. The change from about 30% to 100 % is not that great so I speed it up to 3% per jump. Alternatively, the ramp step time could have been increased for the same effect.


If the nonlinearity of the lamp response is not a concern the second loop can be eliminated and the first 'Repeat While' condition set to 100% for simplicity.

Test Dim Loop - [ID 00F0][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' Fast Off
        $MBR_Lamp.level  = 1
        Repeat While $MBR_Lamp.level <= 30
           Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' On '$MBR_Lamp.level %'
           Wait  1 second
           $MBR_Lamp.level += 1
        Repeat 1 times
        Repeat While $MBR_Lamp.level <= 100
           Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' On '$MBR_Lamp.level %'
           Wait  1 second
           $MBR_Lamp.level += 3
        Repeat 1 times
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Whoo-hoo :)  Works great and good example of 5.xx new While command..





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Sheeeeyuuuuut. I had been cooking that concept in my head (how to write a program that would dim 1% every x seconds). Now I don't have to!


(Between this and the tutorial at http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/5410-triggers-and-conditions-and-ifs-oh-my, I have a strong feeling my setup and skills are going to increase at an alarming rate.)


And thank you, LeeG, StusViews, Teken, and larryllix. A most impressive response.


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