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Notifications not working


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Anyone experiencing problems with their alerts? My SMTP settings are configured to use default. I have setup a single recipient to a text address and call the alert within a very simple single condition program. The program action works as the scene is being called correctly however; the alert is not firing. I know that the address is correct and when I use the "test" button a test message is being received. Not sure where to go from here. Attached is a screen shot of the simple program and a screen shot of the configuration, any help is appreciated.





Anyone experiencing problems with their alerts? My SMTP settings are configured to use default. I have setup a single recipient to a text address and call the alert within a very simple single condition program. The program action works as the scene is being called correctly however; the alert is not firing. I know that the address is correct and when I use the "test" button a test message is being received. Not sure where to go from here. Attached is a screen shot of the simple program and a screen shot of the configuration, any help is appreciated.


Personally I would use a dedicated Gmail account to avoid the random failures sometimes seen by using the default UDI mail server.


Will give it a shot, thanks Teken


Please note that Google has changed one key thing in their system. Meaning in the field where you indicate the *FROM* this must have the email address you're going to use. 


In the past this FROM field simply used what ever (friendly name) you wanted which could be like My System etc. Now you will enter for example My System: Johns@gmail.com


Failure to enter the domain will result in no mail being received by your Gmail account.


Gotcha. Setting have now been changed to use google servers, even got the dual factor auth to work properly in that "test" messages are being sent. Still not seeing an alert when the program is run however. I'll keep mucking about to see if I can figure this out.


Are you using an "Integer" or "State" variable?


Integer will not trigger program.


You can test by simply changing variable manually.


I'd first get the program working correctly then set-up for gmail.





I'm using a state variable. Test notifications work and everything in the program works as expected by manually changing the state of the variable, except the notification. Strange.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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