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Returning to Automation; how far have we gone?


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For the last year or so I've taken a break from ISY due to moving and such.  What did I miss?


I have the ISY with the Z-Wave addon board.  At one point the developers were trying to get that to communicate with ZigBee (maybe through a second ISY).


At my new house, the security system is installed with ZigBee devices (motion, glass, window/door, locks, cams).  Now its time to research additional ZigBee devices to add. Then it is time to see if my power meter supports ZigBee as well.


I also picked up an EcoBee3 ZigBee thermostat.


Last item is Cox Home Life (security system).  Anyone with experience running a controller in parallel with that?



My wife is going to be pissed when she sees me at a coding screen again ;).

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Weclome back!


Probably the biggest news is the V5, 2 versions in beta and a number of us using it. Close, but not there yet on zwave multichannel. IIRC, you were a user of io_guy's programs on the pi. He now has node server versions out for many of them, including ecobee. And the final news down that path is polglot, UDI python libraries for building node servers.


Zigbee has not gone anywhere as a basic PL technology... support for supported devices like stats, but not near the focus that is on zwave.


There is certainly more, but I'm sure this will keep you busy for a while



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Well in short lots of things have progressed while other areas have not. In no specific order this is my take away for the last 12 months of 2015.


- Z-Wave multi channel support is imminently due


- UDI has crafted a new cloud based portal which will allow Amazon Echo, IFTT, etc integration.


- 5.XX platform has finally been released and is moving forward in many areas for variables, node support etc.


- No word on the UDI Global PLM: I gather this is either shelved or still waiting Smartlabs approval?


- ZigBee: Currently UDI has no plans of expanding on the different profiles to support HA, Security etc which is a real sad to see. There is no intention to expand on the Energy Module at the current time frame. They believe there is no ROI / demand for this at the moment.


- The admin console can now adjust the font size for those using high definition screens. This is their first pass at this and a few bugs have arisen which I am sure will be solved in due time.


- It was stated that UI improvements will be moved up the priority ladder for the future.


- Smartlabs is currently working on a swath of new hardware devices which 994 firmware already supports. Such as the long awaited dual band I/O linc. The latest Alert Module is now out but support is still pending. The latest Morning Linc has a new body and should be supported now in the 994.


- ALL ON / ALL OFF: This issue is still unresolved but it seems this problem has also died down since the summer. There is no one solution that has fixed this problem for those impacted by this issue. Smartlabs has removed all commands that relate to the ALL ON / ALL OFF from all current shipping hardware. The latest 2413S PLM still does not seem to address this issue.


- A few ingenious folks have found a way to integrate both a HUB II with a ISY Series Controller. This allows those wanting to control Amazon Echo, Harmony, Apple Watch do so. 

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  • 8 months later...

Well in short lots of things have progressed while other areas have not. In no specific order this is my take away for the last 12 months of 2015.


- Z-Wave multi channel support is imminently due


- UDI has crafted a new cloud based portal which will allow Amazon Echo, IFTT, etc integration.


- 5.XX platform has finally been released and is moving forward in many areas for variables, node support etc.


- No word on the UDI Global PLM: I gather this is either shelved or still waiting Smartlabs approval?


- ZigBee: Currently UDI has no plans of expanding on the different profiles to support HA, Security etc which is a real sad to see. There is no intention to expand on the Energy Module at the current time frame. They believe there is no ROI / demand for this at the moment.


- The admin console can now adjust the font size for those using high definition screens. This is their first pass at this and a few bugs have arisen which I am sure will be solved in due time.


- It was stated that UI improvements will be moved up the priority ladder for the future.


- Smartlabs is currently working on a swath of new hardware devices which 994 firmware already supports. Such as the long awaited dual band I/O linc. The latest Alert Module is now out but support is still pending. The latest Morning Linc has a new body and should be supported now in the 994.


- ALL ON / ALL OFF: This issue is still unresolved but it seems this problem has also died down since the summer. There is no one solution that has fixed this problem for those impacted by this issue. Smartlabs has removed all commands that relate to the ALL ON / ALL OFF from all current shipping hardware. The latest 2413S PLM still does not seem to address this issue.


- A few ingenious folks have found a way to integrate both a HUB II with a ISY Series Controller. This allows those wanting to control Amazon Echo, Harmony, Apple Watch do so. 


I have Insteon Hub AND ISY994i but only for a few devices.


What I do is

1) DISABLE Programming Lock

2) Create my own program to update ISY upon querying device every 5 minutes


Works great, and it activates the KeyPad Linc if a device was turned on by Insteon directly.


It also works if the device was turned on from Amazon Echo.

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