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Motion Sensor query dusk.dawn status

James Peterson

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Is is possible to query using REST or SOAP the dusk.dawn status of a motion sensor during the day?


Since the status will only display true at night I don't see the point of the display status is for.  


ex: If I do NOT have access to the admin panel, but I do have lets say an app, perl, ruby, etc  or what ever program...  Maybe someone else in my household put the MS into dusk.dawn mode, but I did not know and I discover that the motion sensor is not responding (keep in mind I have no idea about the other persons doings(wife) and have no access to the admin panel at that time).  How can I query the current dusk.dawn status of the motion sensor.  


side note:  If the dusk.dawn display returned true during the day I would know what status it was in.  And at night I would not care because it would be responding anyway.  but this is not true so I just feel bad design of the MS.

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Is is possible to query using REST or SOAP the dusk.dawn status of a motion sensor during the day?


Since the status will only display true at night I don't see the point of the display status is for.  


ex: If I do NOT have access to the admin panel, but I do have lets say an app, perl, ruby, etc  or what ever program...  Maybe someone else in my household put the MS into dusk.dawn mode, but I did not know and I discover that the motion sensor is not responding (keep in mind I have no idea about the other persons doings(wife) and have no access to the admin panel at that time).  How can I query the current dusk.dawn status of the motion sensor.  


side note:  If the dusk.dawn display returned true during the day I would know what status it was in.  And at night I would not care because it would be responding anyway.  but this is not true so I just feel bad design of the MS.


I'm sorry but I had to read your written text a few times and it didn't make any sense to me. Part of this assumes the MS isn't working, while the other part indicates someone mucked around with the MS. Then, you want to know if the unit is in dusk / dawn mode?




If the unit is suspect and not working as expected return it . . . If it is working than who is going to climb up on a ladder and then take out a screw and then **** around with the internals. Keeping in mind the units features are controlled via software and based on what you wrote the wife has no intention of ever going into the Admin Console?


So, once again what?!?!?

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I'm sorry but I had to read your written text a few times and it didn't make any sense to me. Part of this assumes the MS isn't working, while the other part indicates someone mucked around with the MS. Then, you want to know if the unit is in dusk / dawn mode?




If the unit is suspect and not working as expected return it . . . If it is working than who is going to climb up on a ladder and then take out a screw and then **** around with the internals. Keeping in mind the units features are controlled via software and based on what you wrote the wife has no intention of ever going into the Admin Console?


So, once again what?!?!?

I'm just making an example:


I wan to know if my motion sensor is in dusk.dawn mode without using the admin panel..  How do I do this?

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I'm just making an example:


I wan to know if my motion sensor is in dusk.dawn mode without using the admin panel..  How do I do this?


The first step is setting the MS to the light level you believe reflects the environment its in. Keeping in mind the unit will ignore brief light exposure to reduce a false dusk / dawn trigger.


That is your first step because if its set too high it will never go into dusk mode. If its set too low then if the area has lots of ambient light and never breaks that set threshold you wont ever see it.


Afterwards in my mind it makes no sense to monitor if its in dusk / dawn. 




Because what ever linked device you set for dusk / dawn will of course turn on or off based on the (assumed) setting. So returning the value of a linked device status in my mind would be easier, no? 

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The first step is setting the MS to the light level you believe reflects the environment its in. Keeping in mind the unit will ignore brief light exposure to reduce a false dusk / dawn trigger.


That is your first step because if its set too high it will never go into dusk mode. If its set too low then if the area has lots of ambient light and never breaks that set threshold you wont ever see it.


Afterwards in my mind it makes no sense to monitor if its in dusk / dawn. 




Because what ever linked device you set for dusk / dawn will of course turn on or off based on the (assumed) setting. So returning the value of a linked device status in my mind would be easier, no? 

I can understand that.  but what if for some reason the MS was not supposed to be in dusk.dawn mode but it was.   I don't know why, but it is...  I tried to make up an example above but it confused things...  


I just want to be able to query the MS and go "oh, its not responding at 3 in the afternoon because its in dusk.dawn mode."  

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I can understand that.  but what if for some reason the MS was not supposed to be in dusk.dawn mode but it was.   I don't know why, but it is...  I tried to make up an example above but it confused things...  


I just want to be able to query the MS and go "oh, its not responding at 3 in the afternoon because its in dusk.dawn mode."  


OK, I believe there are some basics that need to be called out in case it was over looked.


1. If this device in anyway is defective send it back

2. Have you in fact set the light sensitivity to the MS and what is the current value being used?

3. You can not query a battery operated device ever as its asleep until it activates.


4. Assume all is well and it still doesn't activate to dusk. This means the level isn't low / high enough or the environmental is not being accurately being considered.

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Just set up an ISY program to set and clear a variable(as a Boolean) based on the MS.dark sensor trigger.


Now you can use the Rest interface to poll it and use it elsewhere.


Another way is to use the ISY Network Interface to stuff the same program result into somewhere else with it's Rest interface or equivalent.

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Just set up an ISY program to set and clear a variable(as a Boolean) based on the MS.dark sensor trigger.


Now you can use the Rest interface to poll it and use it elsewhere.


Another way is to use the ISY Network Interface to stuff the same program result into somewhere else with it's Rest interface or equivalent.

This might work. thx

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Just set up an ISY program to set and clear a variable(as a Boolean) based on the MS.dark sensor trigger.


Now you can use the Rest interface to poll it and use it elsewhere.


Another way is to use the ISY Network Interface to stuff the same program result into somewhere else with it's Rest interface or equivalent.


Sure, but the OP says he doesn't know why his MS doesn't work now? Having a program to do something based on an expected result which never happens isn't going to help anyone.


But hey what the hell do I know . . .

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Sure, but the OP says he doesn't know why his MS doesn't work now? Having a program to do something based on an expected result which never happens isn't going to help anyone.


But hey what the hell do I know . . .

I think we got that working after some more experimenting. Too many threads going at once??

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Sure, but the OP says he doesn't know why his MS doesn't work now? Having a program to do something based on an expected result which never happens isn't going to help anyone.


But hey what the hell do I know . . .

I didn't say it doesn't work.  that was a different thread.  I am just making a question based on a theoretical possibility.  


During the day.  A motion sensor that is in Dusk.dawn mode will not show it is in dusk.dawn mode via /rest/nodes/XX XX XX  <- design flaw in my mind.


I am just looking for a way to get or assume which mode it is in?



This thread is done.  this is a simple question.  IF it can not be done, fine.  Don't make up ways to do it using methods I already stated I don't want to use.  

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I can understand that.  but what if for some reason the MS was not supposed to be in dusk.dawn mode but it was.   I don't know why, but it is...  <- As I stated earlier on there are three possibilities: Either the unit is defective, your sensitivity are set incorrectly, the room the MS is in is outside of the light level you have defined. 


I just want to be able to query the MS and go "oh, its not responding at 3 in the afternoon because its in dusk.dawn mode."  <- You can not query a battery operated device as its asleep until activated.


Read above again . . .


I didn't say it doesn't work.  that was a different thread.  I am just making a question based on a theoretical possibility.  <- As I stated above there are three possibilities none of which you have defined. So guessing about something that hasn't happen is pointless.  


During the day.  A motion sensor that is in Dusk.dawn mode will not show it is in dusk.dawn mode via /rest/nodes/XX XX XX  <- design flaw in my mind.


I am just looking for a way to get or assume which mode it is in? <- Again, if the MS is set correctly its safe to say based on what the Admin Console shows you initially while you validate different light levels in the home over a varied period. This will confirm the settings are correct or not.


Afterwards, what ever linked device that is supposed to come on based on the dusk / dawn will obviously turn on/off. So far I haven't read that you have linked anything to see if it works or have confirmed what the settings are?? 



This thread is done.  this is a simple question.  IF it can not be done, fine.  Don't make up ways to do it using methods I already stated I don't want to use.  <- Where did you say you didn't want to know if a linked device activated based on the dusk / dawn settings?!?!


Show me . . .


Regardless, its apparent to me your looking for a fault that either doesn't exist or havent taken the time to follow through with the suggestions outlined above.


ie. What is the sensitivity level set at??? Does the current setting turn on/off as expected? If not why? is the setting too high, too low, there is too much light?


If you can't answer these basic questions in a meaningful way how do you expect to succeed or move forward at all?? You can here for help and created 999999999999999999 threads!


You don't want help don't ask, simple . . .


If you don't understand the answers and the next steps that are outlined in red you need to move on.

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Read above again . . .



If you don't understand the answers and the next steps that are outlined in red you need to move on.

This is not a thread about whether or not it is working.  the device it working just fine.  This is about getting information from it.  period.  You have stated time and time again I can't get it from the device since it is asleep.  So...  I need a way to get it.  Best guess will do just fine.  I dontt care about the sensitity, I don't care about the other settings.


You are providing information I don't need or don't care about.  Your answer of I can't get it because its asleep is just fine.  You can stop there if you don't have any solutions that allow me to "retrieve dusk.dawn" information from the device.  But I still want the information from somewhere and I will come up with something.


Again.  The device is working properly.  I don't care about its sensitivity at this moment.  I don't care about the admin console information.  


All I want is "Is this motion sensor in dusk.dawn mode"   during the day, any day.  <---  This is all I want without putting it in set mode and pulling up the admin console.



Believe me..  I know what mode it is "right now"  its in dusk.dawn mode, because I had entire other thread dedicated to problems getting it to set.  

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Some confusion here.


In another thread the OP changed his dark sensitivity to about 75 and this seemed to help his seemingly defective MS.


Apparently the factory settings the MS was supplied with, weren't working for him at the time. 


The OP has started multiple threads with various subject matters and we may have confused complaints and timing causing some confusion with attempts to help.

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Some confusion here.


In another thread the OP changed his dark sensitivity to about 75 and this seemed to help his seemingly defective MS.


Apparently the factory settings the MS was supplied with, weren't working for him at the time. 


The OP has started multiple threads with various subject matters and we may have confused complaints and timing causing some confusion with attempts to help.

Thank you, but I am not aware of this thread, so if I was a confusion issue fine.  but my question has nothing to do with that.

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This is not a thread about whether or not it is working.  the device it working just fine.  This is about getting information from it.  period.  You have stated time and time again I can't get it from the device since it is asleep.  So...  I need a way to get it.  Best guess will do just fine.  I dontt care about the sensitity, I don't care about the other settings.


You are providing information I don't need or don't care about.  Your answer of I can't get it because its asleep is just fine.  You can stop there if you don't have any solutions that allow me to "retrieve dusk.dawn" information from the device.  But I still want the information from somewhere and I will come up with something.


Again.  The device is working properly.  I don't care about its sensitivity at this moment.  I don't care about the admin console information.  


All I want is "Is this motion sensor in dusk.dawn mode"   during the day, any day.  <---  This is all I want without putting it in set mode and pulling up the admin console.



Believe me..  I know what mode it is "right now"  its in dusk.dawn mode, because I had entire other thread dedicated to problems getting it to set.  

HA systems run on the last change of status sent by devices. That is all they know. ISY will only reflect the last thing it has been told by the MS. If the device is new, or  ISY has just rebooted, the field will be shown blank (as an indicator) as ISY cannot know the information.


You cannot query Insteon battery operated devices without putting them into linking mode first. This is a battery saving thing. Also they do not repeat messages in the usual multiple hop style of the protocol for the same reasonl.

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HA systems run on the last change of status sent by devices. That is all they know. ISY will only reflect the last thing it has been told by the MS. If the device is new, or  ISY has just rebooted, the field will be shown blank (as an indicator) as ISY cannot know the information.


You cannot query Insteon battery operated devices without putting them into linking mode first. This is a battery saving thing. Also they do not repeat messages in the usual multiple hop style of the protocol for the same reasonl.

OK.  I had assumed something like that, but good to know.  So what would be the best, Best Guess, solution to my problem?  For me, when I put the MS into dusk.dawn mode it is always in that mode, day or night.  It just reports it (during shirt to or shift from day and night) and responds to motion at night.  I am OK if its just the ISY's assumed state of the MS.

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The REST command for checking State of Dusk-Dawn node is C1 C7 2


<node flag="0">
<address>14 C1 C7 2</address>
<name>MS I2CS-Dusk.Dawn</name>
<parent type="1">14 C1 C7 1</parent>
<pnode>14 C1 C7 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="255" formatted="On" uom="on/off"/>
<property id="ST" value="255" formatted="On" uom="on/off"/>
The Motion Sensor being accessed is in a dark space so Dusk-Dawn is On
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The REST command for checking State of Dusk-Dawn node is C1 C7 2


<node flag="0">
<address>14 C1 C7 2</address>
<name>MS I2CS-Dusk.Dawn</name>
<parent type="1">14 C1 C7 1</parent>
<pnode>14 C1 C7 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="255" formatted="On" uom="on/off"/>
<property id="ST" value="255" formatted="On" uom="on/off"/>
The Motion Sensor being accessed is in a dark space so Dusk-Dawn is On


I know about that, but the MS turns that value off during the day.   And all that means is that it is now responding to motion events anyway.  I want to get that exact data during the day so that I can know that the MS is going be in dusk.dawn mode at night. 

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"I want to get that exact data during the day"


Here is what it looks in day time.  I don't think it is giving you what you need.



<node flag="0">
<address>14 C1 C7 2</address>
<name>MS I2CS-Dusk.Dawn</name>
<parent type="1">14 C1 C7 1</parent>
<pnode>14 C1 C7 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="on/off"/>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="on/off"/>
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"I want to get that exact data during the day"


Here is what it looks in day time.  I don't think it is giving you what you need.



<node flag="0">
<address>14 C1 C7 2</address>
<name>MS I2CS-Dusk.Dawn</name>
<parent type="1">14 C1 C7 1</parent>
<pnode>14 C1 C7 1</pnode>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="on/off"/>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="on/off"/>


Correct.  I'll find a way.

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