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ISY-99 Failure?


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I recently purchased an ISY-99/IR PRO, successfully upgraded to 2.6.12 earlier this week, and have been adding devices and programs for the past few days testing the operation - things have been working OK up to now. This morning after attempting to save a newly entered program, the ISY lost several existing, previously-saved programs from the display. So, I did a reset by cycling the power. The ISY now boots with three Green LEDs permanently on (PWR, RX & TX), and the red Error LED blinks continuously.


Powering down for several minutes and then powering back up results in the same status. No ip communication is available now with the ISY99.


Please advise. (Was hoping to get several new programs in operation during the holidays. Argh!)



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Problem Solved – thanks to some very good documentation provided in this forum by others who have fought these issues before.


Initially, I followed the Factory Restore procedure as described in:



Unfortunately, my laptop does not have a serial port, so I had to scrounge up an old one for the serial work described in the link above. That resolved the flashing red LED error, until I forced the same problem to happen again as will be described below. Argh.


The procedure called for me to launch http://www.universal-devices.com/99i, which I did, but this once again caused the red LED error to occur. Double Argh.


Since doing successful updates on the ISY-99i earlier this week, I had changed my antivirus package to AVG 8 and did some digging on this forum to find:

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... hlight=avg


So, I turned off the Web Protection in AVG as described, ran the FR procedure again, was able to re-install 2.6.12, restore my backed up configuration (making sure I cleared the Java cache between each restart of the web page), and am finally back in operation. Whu hoo!


It seems that the AVG 8 package that I installed earlier this week did indeed “brick†my ISY just as author gviliunas described in his post.


Here’s the sequence of restoration that I followed:

Turn off Web Protection in AVG

HyperTerminal to ISY serial port

Login using my saved username/PW.

Issue FR command for factory reset. ISY reboots.

Connect to ISY99i via Ethernet

Clear Java cache

Launch www.universal-devices.com/99i. Login using admin/admin.

Re-install 6.2.12. ISY reboots.

Clear Java cache

Launch www.universal-devices.com/99i

Login using previously saved username/PW.

Restore backed up ISY configuration (Sure glad I saved that last working config!). ISY reboots.

HyperTerminal to ISY serial port

Login using my saved username/PW.

Issue CT command to restore desired IP settings. ISY reboots.

Clear Java cache

System is back in operation as before being clobbered due to the AVG setup.


I supposed I should have anticipated a problem was about to occur; prior to the ISY erroring out, I had noticed a couple of “funnies†in its operation, such as device notes that would not save, and programs that after the save command was issued, still reflected a not-saved status. Anyway, this ISY-99i is back operation thanks to the info others provided in this forum. Thanks!

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