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Oracle is ending Java plug-in support.


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How will this affect the ISY's future?




Moving to a Plugin-Free Web

By Dalibor.Topic-Oracle on Jan 27, 2016


By late 2015, many browser vendors have either removed or announced timelines for the removal of standards based plugin support, eliminating the ability to embed Flash, Silverlight, Java and other plugin based technologies.


With modern browser vendors working to restrict and reduce plugin support in their products, developers of applications that rely on the Java browser plugin need to consider alternative options such as migrating from Java Applets (which rely on a browser plugin) to the plugin-free Java Web Start technology.


Oracle plans to deprecate the Java browser plugin in JDK 9. This technology will be removed from the Oracle JDK and JRE in a future Java SE release.


Early Access releases of JDK 9 are available for download and testing at http://jdk9.java.net. More background and information about different migration options can be found in this short whitepaper from Oracle.



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'Standards based' - I cannot believe the FUD coming out of their PR dept....


Download the .jnlp, run it. Doesn't use the browser plug-in feature at all. Carry on.....


My opinion - good riddance. 99% of all vulnerabilities and performance issues are due to poorly implemented plugins.

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It has been said in the past UDI is working toward migration from Java to supporting HTML5. I have to gather this will force their hand at some point and we shall see the final death of the Java interface.


Billions of devices across the globe use it in various ways.


But, its glory days have come and gone and its time to let it die because it just sucked aszz. It literally has become another Window's rinse and repeat affair. Every three weeks there is a new release due to some vulnerability in the platform.


Java can't go away and die fast enough for me . . . 

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It literally has become another Window's rinse and repeat affair. Every three weeks there is a new release due to some vulnerability in the platform.


Well said my friend... if this site had a "quote of the week", yours would be my nomination :)



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It will have either no impact, or what little impact it does will be positive.


Java plugins in a browser were, and are pure evil.  (opinion)


This will ensure that people consciously go through the proper process to "install" a java-based application rather than having a full application "foisted" on them in the guise of a web page - that's a huge security fix.  And the reason it won't impact the ISY application is because it's an application (a fact that UDI goes out of their way to disclose), and UDI have been and are encouraging folks to install the Admin Console application as an application in the first place!


(And along with the Java browser plugin, may the Flash plugin also die!) 

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Well said my friend... if this site had a "quote of the week", yours would be my nomination :)


You could always *Like This* comment and then one day you and I shall ever be all powerful!


Ha . . . 


It will have either no impact, or what little impact it does will be positive.


Java plugins in a browser were, and are pure evil.  (opinion)


This will ensure that people consciously go through the proper process to "install" a java-based application rather than having a full application "foisted" on them in the guise of a web page - that's a huge security fix.  And the reason it won't impact the ISY application is because it's an application (a fact that UDI goes out of their way to disclose), and UDI have been and are encouraging folks to install the Admin Console application as an application in the first place!


(And along with the Java browser plugin, may the Flash plugin also die!) 


It should be noted for anyone unfamiliar with the whole Java, Microsoft's previous version of JRM which was abandoned long ago due to infringement etc.


Back in the day things like Adobe Flash, Silver Light, Java etc. Where at the time a easy method to have a client / server real time access and control. With anything it wasn't the idea that wasn't sound it came down to people just wanting to screw around and do bad things with it.


I really can't throw stones at hackers because personally know a few black / white hats in the industry. They have in their own way shown the design flaws in the frame work which for the rest of us is a good thing. One can never do better when they simply don't know where they falter.


The vaunted and mythical belief back in the day that a Mac computer was not impacted by viruses and threats was laughable. Back in the day before Steve Jobs got his head out of his aszz and finally accepted that with out going with a X86 processor his computer and operating system would always have a 0.5% global use.


As a hacker why would anyone invest time, resources, or effort in something that has zero relevance? Fast forward to 2016 history has proven my writings as not only correct but factual. With the advent of Apples and all Linux based computer operating systems we all saw a massive effort from hackers to find holes in the system.


One only needs to scan the last three years of what did happen and what was found. On a such a epic level it was found the many Linux / Unix systems were open to various threats.




Because there use is pervasive and numbers count when your investing time to hack in the ultimate goal of making money or to steal data or hold business hostage for the above.


If someone told me 25 years ago a phone could be impacted by a virus (think any Android) I would have just laughed it off and said you're stupid.


What happen 25 years later??


You guessed it the world became stupid and the iSheep / Android bots and the whole next generation of texting while driving, walking, eating, etc was upon us all. Later everyone decided to take on the *Cloud Power* in hopes of following the rest of the stupid.


We are currently on a dire path of stupid that literally everyday I take pause and look up in the sky and say let it burn. People often laugh and discount my words or text as paranoid or say *Your tin foil hat is not thick enough*




When people are literally pushing to have their entire home and environment monitored and controlled by a computer which they have no freaking clue what is happening in the back ground who needs to wear a tin foil hat?


We literally have companies like Amazon that have been given a green light to use quad copters to ship your products? Then you have the dumbest idea ever considered by a human being and that is self driven vehicles. Which the Germans have been using on 18 wheelers for over a year. From Google getting a green light to do more fully automated vehicle driving.


I don't recall the movie of where the people were all too stupid to figure out how to fix something that broke in the system. But I always reflect back on that movie because its the perfect example of how we are literally at this point.


When you don't have to use your freaking brain to drive a car or expect some random flying object is flying to your home to deliver a parcel in a busy residential / business region.


Oh no I can't see anything going wrong with this at all . . .


Then you have the most epic failure waiting to happen to man kind . . . That is the push to integrate tracking devices like RFID into a human beings skull and skin.


How f^cken retarded can you actually be in thinking no one is going to hack into your head and do something stupid with such a idea?


When you take companies which I have detailed extensively in other threads which has more resources than God and has their hands in every facet of your life and has no less than 100 companies that span ISP, Computers, Telecommunications, Combat Robotics, Cameras, TSTATs, Routers, Cloud Services, etc


Do people honestly believe companies like these besides the Unites States Government isn't ready to abuse your data and life?


Everyone can mark my words the biggest hero of the 21st century will go down to Edward Snowden. This poor b^stard will one day be found having a heart attack, slip and fell in the tub, or hit by a drunk driver.


OK my rant is over . . .



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