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Suggestions for undoing inadvertent program runs


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I have a KPL button that runs a night time program, turning off all lights and turning off the back lights on the KPLs in bedrooms.  Sometimes this button is pressed inadvertently.  I'd like to be able to somehow undo the program run, i.e. restoring all the lights / scenes to where they were.  Does anyone have any thoughts on an easy way to do this? 

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Not sure if "undo" is achievable.   I think I get what you want to accomplish, I have a "Goodnight" button myself.


What you maybe could do is have 2 programs involved.   The "Goodnight" button would run a program "SetGoodnight" that XORs a variable "S.GoodNight_Requested" and plays some beeps at every keypad that has the button.   Then a separate program with conditions of "Time is 45 seconds after Last Run of SetGoodNight. And S.GoodNight_Requested == 1" does the actual work.


So if you press the Goodnight button accidentally, just press the same button again within 45 seconds, and the upcoming lighting change is cancelled.

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