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Beta - Insteon Water Leak Sensor


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Not sure why there is no mention about this device but unsurprisingly this was seen last week but I forgot to post it:http://www.smarthome.com/beta-insteon-water-leak-sensor.html


As usual there is zero information about how this device is different from past units being sold. There has been no mention about this device in the Beta forums either so lets see how long it takes before someone comes on the forums asking for device support.


The only clue I may have is it states software configurable and based on past history I have to assume it allows the battery and heart beat to be adjusted like it was seen in the door sensor.


2016 has affirmed once again Smartlabs has no freaking clue or intention about communicating to their customers, developers, and business partners.


I simply have no more words . . .



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