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Make Echo speak via the ISY


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Thinking about integrating an echo but would like to know if this is possible...


Is it possible to have the ISY send a speech command to the echo?


For example, if someone opens a door, can I have the ISY tell the echo to say "Front Door Open"?


Or, can I have a motion sensor detect motion @ a certain time of the day (between 6:30 and 7:30 am) and have her tell me the weather when I walk into the room?


I've looked a bit on this subject and haven't found anything about this.





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At the moment, Amazon is not providing the ability for us to send speech to the Echo.  This is a feature a number of us are looking for and I'm hopeful that Amazon sees the light at some point.


There is a thread going here on this subject: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18000-can-isy-use-amazon-echo-as-an-alert-device/?do=findComment&comment=164292


Hope this helps.



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