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How to Interrupt Timer and Flashing KPL Button


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First, thanks to all who have posted programs and solutions.  I have learned a lot.


I have two 8 button KPLs that control several lighting circuits in my kitchen.  I have configured KPL button G as "All Off Delayed."  When pressed, the G button LED on the KPLs will flash once a second and start the timer.  After a period of time, a set of kitchen lights will flash warning occupants the lights are about to go out.  After more time, the lights turn off.  I have successfully been able to interrupt the timing feature and G button flash by turning on kitchen lights in the set, but I have not been able to consistently interrupt the timer and G button flash when I press the G button. I am confident this is due to one of the conditions of the "IF" statement and the state of the button's LED; when it's on and I press the button it will interrupt the timing feature.  Conversely, when the LED is off and I press the button it will not.  I have tried variables without success.  I have also tried the change KPL G to Toggle ON, but the logic doesn't work on that either.


Anyone have any ideas?  


Kit All Off Dly KPL G - [iD 0019][Parent 0001]
             Control 'Kit NE KPL G' is switched On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL G' is switched On
    And (
             Control 'Kit NE KPL G' is not switched Off
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL G' is not switched Off
          Or Control 'Kit Dining-NW' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL A' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL A' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL A' is not switched Fast On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL A' is not switched Fast On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL B' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL B' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL B' is not switched Fast On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL B' is not switched Fast On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL C' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL C' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL D' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit S KPL D' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL E' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit NE KPL F' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit Under Cab NE' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit Under Cab NW' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit Under Cab SE' is not switched On
          Or Control 'Kit Under Cab SW' is not switched On
        Run Program 'Kit KPL G Button Flash' (Then Path)
        Wait  10 seconds
        Repeat 2 times
           Set 'Kit NE KPL A' Fast Off
           Wait  1 second
           Set 'Kit NE KPL A' Fast On
           Wait  1 second
        Repeat 1 times
           Wait  5 seconds
           Set Scene 'All Kitchen' Off
           Wait  30 seconds
           Stop program 'Kit KPL G Button Flash'
        Stop program 'Kit KPL G Button Flash'
        Set Scene 'Kit KPL G Buttons' Off
Here is the button flash program:
Kit KPL G Button Flash - [iD 001A][Parent 0001]
   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Repeat Every  1 second
           Set Scene 'Kit KPL G Buttons' On
           Wait  1 second
           Set Scene 'Kit KPL G Buttons' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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