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Cannot Connect with Thermostat

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I've had my ISY994 up and running for about a week now. Everything is going pretty well but I this morning I started getting several "Cannot Connect with Thermostat" messages when programs with thermostat commands tried to run. Ultimately I was able to query the device and run the program again successfully but a few hours later it happened again (3x total today). I'm running the 4.4.5. firmware/UI. The thermostat is an Insteon 2441TH. It's located maybe 12 ft from my PLM and its surrounded by other dual band devices. I've also had a few other "Cannot Connect to ..." messages in the last week. A motion sensor and dual band LampLinc both in my office. In general I'm just not familiar with the causes or how to troubleshoot these issues. I'd like to make sure these programs always run successfully. Any help is appreciated!




I can pick up many threads on the forum relating to 2441TH communication issues.  According to this post "It has been said here that the Insteon thermostat has a very directional antenna in it and it favors devices directly in front of it rather than to the sides. If you have an access point or dual band lamp module, try placing one of those across the room the the TStat and see if communications improve."


Hope that helps





I'm not where I can physically inspect the PLM. Is there a way to view this through the admin console? That's a interesting idea about placing an access point in front. Thermostat is in a hallway so the best I could do is to put one on the other side of the wall (but still in front).


Tools > Diagnostics > PLM Info/Status won't give the date, but the version will provide a cue as to the age of the PLM. On the other side of the hall, even somewhat distant, should help. Or in the room behind the thermostat.


I have found the Insteon stats very temperamental. Cutting the power to the thermostat, waiting a minute or so and restoring, has always resolved these issues for me. Personally, I have changed to Honeywell Wi-Fi stats in my home. UDI has indicated they are working to incorporate the Honeywell stats in the near future. Thus far, I am very satisfied with the Honeywell stats. 


v.85 indicates an older PLM. You indicated that your ISY is up recently. Did you use an older PLM? Is it a 2412 or 2413? Also, where are the nearest dual-band devices located in relation to the thermostat?


BTW, I'm using a few 2441TH thermostats with no difficulty including several programs that run daily.


It is the 2412S. As I mentioned, the thermostat is in a hallway. Directly on the other side of that wall is the master bedroom. I have a fanlinc, keypad linc, and lamplinc in that room (all dual band). Behind the thermostat in the next room I also have another lamplinc. So lots of dual band devices around it but today I tried putting an access point directly below the thermostat in a free outlet in the hallway. I'm going to leave it there for a few days and see how that works. 


Ii have three 2441TH's in my system.  Two work great all the time.  One has connected once or twice but always lost communication.  I tried a new one but did not work.  I got 20' of tstat wire and moved it temporarily down the hallway and it communicated.  Moved it back into original spot and it worked for a day or two but then lost communication.  I have dual band devices all around it.   I gave up with that one after a couple years of trying different solutions and just control manually.


Where are the other dual-band devices located? Another poster indicated that devices on the same plane (e.g., wall) don't communicate well with the thermostat. Devices opposite (e.g., in front of) the thermostat give better results.


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