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Scene Button


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I have some scenes that I want to simply initiate, but am having trouble getting them to work the way that I expect.


For example, I have a scene called 'Guests'.  There are several elements in the scene.  At any given time, there is probably one of the elements on that is included in the scene.  Because of this, the scene button will say something like 15% (partially on).  I have to use the button to turn the scene off and then turn it on.  How do I create a button that simply initiates the 'Guests' scene?

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I will look into adding an option for the buttons.  For now I would simply click on the scene icon from the favorites screen and go directly to the details activity and tap ON.  It may be two buttons taps instead of one, but I would like to keep my favorites as clean as possible. 



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As a feature request... it would be helpful to be able to configure scene buttons as you can with a multi button switchlinc. Many scene buttons that I use in the house are simply to set a scene and are setup as non-toggle.

The current method is not intuitive.



Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

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As a feature request... it would be helpful to be able to configure scene buttons as you can with a multi button switchlinc. Many scene buttons that I use in the house are simply to set a scene and are setup as non-toggle.

The current method is not intuitive.



Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk

Unfortunately. Other then the primary buttons on a keypad link, the other buttons cannot be controlled over the API unless responders in a scene.


Like the ISY all scenes themselves have an on or off. Having an on only momentary switch for scenes is really a feature of how the keypad works and not really a feature of the scene.


I may look into adding features. But since turning a scene on or off is still only one or two taps of the screen I personally do not see any urgency for this.


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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