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Advanced Programming Environment


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Hi All,


Is there a more advanced programming environment in the 994i that I can use to programmatically access local device settings?

As an example, I'm looking for a way to set local device on levels based on time of day and I can't seem to find a way to access these via the Admin console programming page.






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A program can do that. Do you want to set just the device itself or the device as part of a scene? Use "Your Devices" for a device or "Adjust Scene" for a device within a scene.

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Example of setting Local On Level (Applied Locally) to 40% at Sunset.  Note that Insteon itself allows the On Level (Applied Locally) value to be changed by device itself.


AAAA4 - [iD 00A5][Parent 0001]
        Time is Sunset 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc4' Set 'SwitchLinc4' 40% (On Level)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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You can do that right at the switch by dimming it. It then remembers the On level next time you use On or you can tap it a second time to override that level.


For automatic setting use the programs as above responders suggested.


Welcome to ISY and the forum! Keep asking.

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Thanks everyone for the quick replies. The program suggestion above seems to work for a single device. I have three 2477d dimmers in a 4 way switch configuration (Scene) that seem to not work this way.

I've tried setting the whole scene to 30% and the individual dimmers to 30% and all to 30% with interesting but undesired results.

If the first switch I press is the one with the load it show 30% on the LED and the light is at 30%. The other two dimmers however show 100% on the LEDs 

If I press any of the other 2 switches, that switch shows 30% on the LEDs but the other 2 switches show 100% and lights are on at 100%

Pressing the switch controlling the load after pressing either of the other two results in 100% brightness on LED and light brightness.

It seems like when each device sends the 'ON' command to the other linked switches it ignores the 30% limit.


Thoughts or Suggestions?





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I want to say yes, the scene was setup from the ISY but just to make sure I removed the switches and added again to the scene from the ISY after confirming the links were removed at each switch.

Turning on/off from the ISY scene has always worked fine. Results at the local switches are the problem and the same as reported before.

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Here is a scene level changer I posted some time back in another thread.


MBR Lamp Level.adjust

        From    10:30:00PM
        To       9:30:00AM (next day)
        In Scene 'Master Bedroom / Motion.MBR' Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' 15% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Master Bedroom / Motion.MBR' Set 'Master Bedroom / MBR Wall Lamp' 70% (On Level)



Note how the Blue highlighted "scene"" is not actually a scene at all but is on the scene pulldown menu.

When the scene is activated the level in the scene is effective for the devices it controls.


When you adjust your levels in your scenes, manually, make sure you are adjusting the scene levels, at the top of the scene and not the device levels under the scene container on the next lexical level.

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You need to separately set/adjust the On-level for each device that you want to respond in the scene. If the device is a controller, then it's also a responder.

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Here is a shot from one of my scenes.

Note you adjust levels in the scene, not the devices under it.


If you don't see the "Apply changes to all devices" option, you are not in the right place to make scene adjustments.




All devices, including ISY, manually and programmatically, operating this scene, get the same levels used, every time the scene is operated. They are all operating the same preset in the devices not inside ISY. ISY just makes it easy to preset the values in your lightswitches.

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Sorry for not covering your specific situation.  You have three Scenes that need to be adjusted.


Assuming the ISY Scene looks like this.







AAAA4 - [iD 00A5][Parent 0001]
        Time is Sunset 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 40% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 40% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 40% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 40% (On Level) 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Now, regardless of which switch is pressed, they all will respond and show 40%.  
If the Scene 'SceneSwitchLincDimmers' is used in a Program then more Adjust Scene statements are required for that situation.  Otherwise, no Adjust Scene statements are needed for SceneSwitchLincDimmers.
If different On Levels will be used based on Time of Day, say at 11:00 PM a different On Level is desired, then more Programs are needed.
AAAA5 - [iD 00A6][Parent 0001]
        Time is 11:00 PM
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 20% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 20% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 20% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 20% (On Level) 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Probably also need another Program to set the On Level back to 100%. 
AAAA6 - [iD 00A7][Parent 0001]
        Time is 8:00 AM
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc1' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 100% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc2' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 100% (On Level) 
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc3' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc1' 100% (On Level)
        In Scene 'SwitchLinc3' Set 'SwitchLinc2' 100% (On Level) 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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Thanks LeeG. You nailed it for my particular requirements. I didn't realize each device had a scene.. 

Any way I could substitute a variable for the On Level?.

Can I pass an On Level as a parameter through a program call?

Just trying to save a lot of typing...

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