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Monitor 2441TH Usage


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Create four programs, two for heat and two for cool.

        Control 'Thermostat Cool Ctl' is switched On
        Send Notification to 'whoever'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Repeat for Cool Off, Heat On and Heat Off.

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Create variables CoolMinutes and HeatMinutes.

        'Downstairs / Downstairs Thermostat' Heat/Cool State is Cooling
        Repeat Every  1 minute 
           $CoolMinutes += 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Do the same for heating.
Then you can email them to yourself every day at some time and reset them.
Or create another variable and use that to sum every day.  Could also sum every week.
Write them to a file on ISY to you can look at it via a web browser.
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Create variables CoolMinutes and HeatMinutes.

        'Downstairs / Downstairs Thermostat' Heat/Cool State is Cooling
        Repeat Every  1 minute 
           $CoolMinutes += 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Do the same for heating.
Then you can email them to yourself every day at some time and reset them.
Or create another variable and use that to sum every day.  Could also sum every week.
Write them to a file on ISY to you can look at it via a web browser.



WOW.  I love this thing.   :)


Ok.  So I setup the variable and the program.  How do I write it to a file on the ISY?


I assume I can also use the weather addon to write the temperature and humidity outside at that time.  So each row on my excel sheet will have the timestamp, the minutes running and the outside temperature and humidity.  Is that possible? :)

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WOW.  I love this thing.   :)


Ok.  So I setup the variable and the program.  How do I write it to a file on the ISY?


I assume I can also use the weather addon to write the temperature and humidity outside at that time.  So each row on my excel sheet will have the timestamp, the minutes running and the outside temperature and humidity.  Is that possible? :)


More info can be found here:


Note: I think it requires the Network Module.


Essentially, you create a "notification" with the following:

Subject: @webpage:@append:hvacmins.htm
Body: ${sys.date} ${sys.time24} ${var.1.33} minutes

(var.1.33 would needed to be changed according to your variable..see here: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:EMail_and_Networking_Substitution_Variables#User_Variables )


Then have a program "send" that notification whenever you want.  Maybe every night at midnight.


The above notification would append to the file "hvacmins.txt" with something like the following:

2016/08/16 00:00:00 47 minutes

You could then access the file via: http://ISYIP/user/web/hvacmins.htm

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I assume I can also use the weather addon to write the temperature and humidity outside at that time.  So each row on my excel sheet will have the timestamp, the minutes running and the outside temperature and humidity.  Is that possible? :)


I missed that earlier, but yes!  I log temps as follows in my notification:

Body: <tr><td>${sys.date}</td><td>${sys.time24}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.current}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.feelslike}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.high}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.low}</td><td>${mod.weather.humidity}</td><td>${mod.weather.wind.direction}</td><td>${mod.weather.wind.speed}</td><td>${mod.weather.cloud.condition}</td><td>${mod.weather.rain.today}</td></tr>


Gives me a nice table:

Date Time Temp Feels like High Low Humidity Wind Dir Speed Cloud condition Rain Today
2016/08/16 10:00:00 72 F 72 F 72 F 64 F 69 % WNW 5 mph 1 0 inches


Note: It's formatted properly in an HTML, but the forum software doesn't like it.  I attached a pic of how it looks in a browser.


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I missed that earlier, but yes!  I log temps as follows in my notification:

Body: <tr><td>${sys.date}</td><td>${sys.time24}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.current}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.feelslike}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.high}</td><td>${mod.weather.temp.low}</td><td>${mod.weather.humidity}</td><td>${mod.weather.wind.direction}</td><td>${mod.weather.wind.speed}</td><td>${mod.weather.cloud.condition}</td><td>${mod.weather.rain.today}</td></tr>


Gives me a nice table:

Date Time Temp Feels like High Low Humidity Wind Dir Speed Cloud condition Rain Today
2016/08/16 10:00:00 72 F 72 F 72 F 64 F 69 % WNW 5 mph 1 0 inches


Note: It's formatted properly in an HTML, but the forum software doesn't like it.  I attached a pic of how it looks in a browser.




So it sends a notification(like an email) to the server module and then it writes it?  I guess I can send that same notification to an email address then  create a program with Ubot to open the email and extract that info and append it to an excel sheet or even write to a mysql db.

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So it sends a notification(like an email) to the server module and then it writes it?  I guess I can send that same notification to an email address then  create a program with Ubot to open the email and extract that info and append it to an excel sheet or even write to a mysql db.


The above referenced items are done completely on the ISY.  The subject "@webpage" tells the ISY it's not an email, but instead a file.

If you want to send it externally, you could send it as a regular notification, and then parse it.


If you want both ISY and external, you would need 2 notifications.


I write some things to nice HTML tables, and some things to CSV files.   Then if I want, I can copy things via curl onto my Raspberry Pi and have the CSV files there for easy processing.

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The above referenced items are done completely on the ISY.  The subject "@webpage" tells the ISY it's not an email, but instead a file.

If you want to send it externally, you could send it as a regular notification, and then parse it.


If you want both ISY and external, you would need 2 notifications.


I write some things to nice HTML tables, and some things to CSV files.   Then if I want, I can copy things via curl onto my Raspberry Pi and have the CSV files there for easy processing.



So i definitely need the network module to do this correct?

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is V5.xx in beta?  Can I upgrade my firmware to it?  Where do I get it?

V5.0.4 is the latest but in alpha. Some bugs but mainly GUI stuff, like statuses missing on devices pages, screen only and some too big for screens etc.. No program bugs I have found.


Find the developer's forum in the UDI forum. There is a thread labelled V5 with the usual  instructions.


Backup...backup...backup. If you have severe problems you can go back and no one will ever know you were there.


Make sure your password is more than 8 characters???? first!


You will need the Network Module to write to files as if they are SMS or emails.


If you have a programming/hacker background you won't be bothered by any quirks found.

If you have little experience you should probably wait for v5.0.5  but it will be alpha or beta, also

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I have mobilinc.  How is the ISY portal compared to mobilinc.  I thought about getting the portal but I hear you can only use one or the other.

Not the same boat.


Portal is a "hook" that can make another computer, particularly a RPi, into an extension of the ISY. This is like running  dual CPU system connected by Ethernet.


The Network Module allows you to send out Ethernet packettes in almost any protocol you will find, allowing you to inject into Philips Hue, MiLight bridges thermostats, etc.. No feedback is possible so it's a one way interface feature.


EDIT: My comments were based on the Android MobiLinc that works differently, but lacks a lot of features of the iVersion and doesn't use any Portal for ISY.

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Not the same boat.


Portal is a "hook" that can make another computer, particularly a RPi, into an extension of the ISY. This is like running  dual CPU system connected by Ethernet.


The Network Module allows you to send out Ethernet packettes in almost any protocol you will find, allowing you to inject into Philips Hue, MiLight bridges thermostats, etc.. No feedback is possible so it's a one way interface feature.


EDIT: My comments were based on the Android MobiLinc that works differently, but lacks a lot of features of the iVersion and doesn't use any Portal for ISY.



Gotcha.  I just need something that works on the iPhone.  One thing I love about the android was Tasker.  

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If you can control ISY from whatever then ISY can control all it's paraphernalia. I like to keep it as the central clearing house for the control and logic I can get.


However most stats come with a free cloud service that can sidetrack the control should your ISY, router or whatever gadget fail. Usually, in that case other equipment won't be accessible either, anyway.

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