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Thermostat Display Issue


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Hi rg65,


The Cool/Heat temps are actually there, but are truncated with the "...". Does your thermostat report decimal numbers like 77.5 degrees for the cool or heat values? The INSTEON thermostats don't support that resolution so it looks like I need to consider the longer values from Z-Wave.



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  • 10 months later...

I have installed my first ZW thermostat.  It works fine with ISY, but, my Mobilinc app has a display issue.

I have attempted to attach a couple of screen shots.  Notice the Cool/Heat temps are not showing.

Do we know if this will ever be fixed?  It has been almost a year.

I have now upgraded to 5.0.10 and the problem still exists.  

Does UD even know about this issue?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

My phone just upgraded to the latest MoibiLinc.  I tried to test the thermostat issue and it still there, uglier than ever.  I accidentally hit the up button one tap and sent my heat to 90 degrees!


I realize that 5.0.10 is a test version, but MobiLinc is a very expensive program and this issue should not have gone on this long.  The 5.x branch will someday be the newest, why not go ahead and fix it already? 


Like I said before I don't know if it's a MobiLinc or UDI issue, but this is going on 15 months now with no movement.  

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I'm looking into what's possible here. 5.x is still in alpha/beta and I can't recommend running it on your production ISY/environment. I can't make alpha/beta specific tweaks only to have them reversed in the next firmware. Thermostats work as expected on the official/stable/4.x line. 


Can you send me a screenshot of what you are seeing in MobiLinc and the Admin Console with a detailed description of what's happening to support@mobilinc.com and I'll see what I can do on my end?



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I looked into the iOS display issue and implemented workarounds for the following two issues I found in Z-Wave thermostats on the 5.x firmware:


1. The temp is reported to MobiLinc with two decimal places which caused the UI truncation. MobiLinc will now only show one decimal place to allow the temp to fit on screen.

2. The setpoint value for Z-Wave thermostats on 5.x is reported 10x the actual value which also caused the display issue as well as adjusting the setpoint causing the thermostat to go to the max temp.


Workarounds for both are in the 4.15 version I'm submitting to Apple today. With any luck, it'll be available by the end of the week. I'll update this post once approved. This was tested against 5.0.10 firmware. 



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