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Looking to see if anyone uses a door magnet


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My thought is to put a door closer on my mud room door, then attach a door magnet to it to hold it open.  Let's say at night I want to close the door I press a button the magnet releases the door and the closer closes it, then I can arm my alarm system.  Just wondering if anyone has done this, tried this or even thought about it.  I'd be interested in knowing what magnet you purchased as I am just researching it now.




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That's a neat idea. I haven't seen any small units and the commercial units are very expensive. The magnate doesn't need to be big.


I'm going to look for some.




12vdc on eBay. ,$16




If you find a better unit than what I posted, please post a link. I'd like to have a few units.


Best regards,

Gary Funk

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In order to arm my alarm, this door needs shut and I want to automate it using a door magnet.


Your going to have to offer a little more as I am not quite clear as to why the door is ajar in the first place? Also what locks the door once the door is closed?


Is the inside handle and door knob / dead bolt preset? 

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This is my mud room door between the garage and the house.  So I open a door to get from the garage into the mud room then there is a door there to go into the house.  We usually keep that door open unless we are not home and we always forget to close it at night and the alarm will not set with it open.  Make sense?

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Teken, we don't care where the door is.



Best regards,

Gary Funk


Why would you not care where the door is? If its a single door that leads into the home that is considered a perimeter door and hence why its being monitored.


If there are two doors than that removes the primary concern about security.

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Because that's not what he is asking in his question.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

This is the smallest and cheapest one I can find.





Best regards,

Gary Funk


Then why bother even closing the door?

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The OP has already stated this door is normally open during the day. When they leave this door is locked and is also part of the security zone. The alarm will not arm the system unless the door is closed and my ONLY question was what locks the door and also offered a suggestion / question.


Even though the OP did not ask this specific question it begs to be asked . . .


Its relevant because normally there is only one door and hence its considered a perimeter door and must be secured. I can't be any clearer on that point regardless of if that was the primary question.


Everyday I read people asking random questions and everyday the question they are asking isn't the true intent. I therefor take the time to ask more probing questions in hopes of offering a true solution.


Clear as mud? More crumbs?

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He already stated it's not a perimeter door. Let's answer his question, THEN we can annoy him about his system. It's not up to use to tell him how to run his equipment.



Best regards,

Gary Funk


I'm sorry your missing the whole point and the obvious reasons for asking the questions in the first place. I don't see how asking pertinent questions would annoy a person considering that's the whole point of being on a forum. Which is to pose questions and receive feedback which ultimately offers exchanges of pros / cons and ideas.


With respect to how someone is going to *Run his equipment* that is based on industry best practices, local codes, and fire marshal requirements.


Some may see only so far as their nose - I prefer to see the entire road . . .

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:D  I get Teken's point -- I have customers who ask questions that make me wonder why they're asking, and make me eager to dig in further.


But sometimes, it's just best to answer the question that was asked.


On topic -- I have a mudroom/screenporch/garage setup that's similar, and I think this is a pretty neat idea.  In particular, when unloading groceries from the car it would be nice if the blasted door would stay open, and even nicer if I could tell Alexa to release the door maget as I enter with my arms full of the last load of groceries.


Essential?  Not hardly.  Convenient?  Neat? Fun gadgetry?  Yep!

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You already offered a piece of hardware that meets the question posed. Now, back to my question(s) as to is there more than one door, how is the door secured once its closed, is this door the outside door.


None of this is complicated to answer but does impact the next steps . . .


To wit what is going to control this magnetic door opener? Does he have an ELK system tied to the ISY Series Controller? If yes this makes the secondary questions not so critical.


If on the other hand he doesn't have an ELK system integrated with the ISY Series Controller what is he going to use to confirm and make the door close if their is a failure? Again, every question leads to another logical one which needs to be considered and answered.


Perhaps being involved in force protection and security for more than 25 years and seeing the best and worst implementations gives me pause . . . 

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To help clear things up for Teken....the mud room used to be apart of the garage so that was the only door.  I added a 6 foot wide room in the garage added a door that leads to the garage and now I have a mud room.  As far as security goes i do not lock these doors as the garage door is my security, but the original door is wired for the alarm system and the alarm system won't arm unless that door is closed (we don't lock it as the alarm goes off 30 seconds after opening this door. Does this help?

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To help clear things up for Teken....the mud room used to be apart of the garage so that was the only door. I added a 6 foot wide room in the garage added a door that leads to the garage and now I have a mud room. As far as security goes i do not lock these doors as the garage door is my security, but the original door is wired for the alarm system and the alarm system won't arm unless that door is closed (we don't lock it as the alarm goes off 30 seconds after opening this door. Does this help?

No. It's not relevant to your question. The devices I ordered have shipped. I'll let you know if they are good.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

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I have my inner mud room door on my alarm system as well. When the outer door is violated (entry zone), the inner door is NOT a walk zone. Meaning if an intruder comes in that way and opens the inner door before disarming the alarm - the entry delay terminates and the alarm activates immediately. I have a keypad in the mud room.


At least that's my reason.... But we are in the habit of keeping the inner door closed (cat will get behind the washer/dryer if we don't!)

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