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Dumb scene question.

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Mutually exclusive is an option in Buttons Grouping.


Okay, so I see these settings.

I also have these settings (the other keypad I have setup with a fanlinc.)

I already did a hard reset on the KPL, so figured it has to be something to do with how I'm setting it up.


I just installed a new KPL, and did some testing.

I started off, and everything was under the KPL, and the MEB1 area was empty.

I switched the toggle mode to non-toggle OFF, ON, ON, ON and the MEB area did not change.

I created a scene.

I added one Fanlinc (responder) and KPL.ABCD (controller) and the MEB area did not change.


Then, using the one scene, I set the controls.

I set KPL.A to set BCD off, and the Fanlinc to Off

I set KPL.B to set ACD off, and the FanLinc to Low

I set KPL.C to set ABD off, and the FanLinc to Med

I set KPL.D to set ABD off, and the FanLinc to High.

I checked the MEB, and the buttons were now all under MEB1.


I removed the buttons from the scene, and they went back to normal.

I added them again, they stayed normal.


I found that the buttons got moved into the mutually exclusive group when I set the scene on button A to turn off the LEDs on B, C, & D.

My understand was that I had to do this, otherwise the speed B button would stay lit when I pressed the speed C button.


Am I missing something, or is this a limitation of doing everything with a single scene?


EDIT: attached a screenshot.



Go to Buttons Grouping. Select Reset. Read the warning. Select Reset. You may need to rebuild your scene(s).


I can get them out of mutually exclusive just by removing them from the scene, then re-adding them.


What puts them in the Mutually Exclusive group is setting the levels on BCD to zero, when pushing button A.



As soon as I do that, the buttons moved into the Mutually Exclusive group.


Is this a limitation of doing this in a single scene?


How many scenes did you create for the fan speeds?


I'm Gary Funk. Pay no attention to this message.

Hey Gary.


I have ONE scene.

It contains KPL.ABCD and Fan.Motor


The scene uses each controller to set the LED on the other controllers and the fan speed on the responder.

If you look at my screenshot above, you can see it is for Tristan.A.FanOff.  This is on KPL.A.

for Tristan.B.FanLow the scene looks identical, except the fan speed is set to Low, and I set the A button to off.

for Tristan.C.FanMed, the scene looks identical, except the fan speed is set to Med, and again I set the A and B to off.

For Tristan.D.FanHigh, the scene looks identical, except the fan speed is set to High, and again I set the A, B and C LED's to off.


You can see on the top half of my screenshot that I have 1 scene with all 4 controllers and 1 responder.


You need a scene for each speed. In each scene one button will be a controller and the other three buttons will be responders.


I'm Gary Funk. Pay no attention to this message.


As soon as I do that, the buttons moved into the Mutually Exclusive group.


Interesting.  I use four buttons to control fan speed, just like you.  Single scene.  Except all are non-toggle-on, including the OFF button.  I have never noticed that these scenes affected the button groupings, but it appears they do in mine, like yours.  I guess I have never noticed it, because the buttons worked as I expected.


I have used four separate scenes at times, like Gary Funk, but found that a single scene was equally effective, so I my recent fanlincs and keypads are all single-scene.  I checked on my two oldest fanlincs (where they are still controlled by separate scenes) and found one case where the button groupings were there, and another case where the button group was not there.  I do not know why they would be different.  I can tell you that I did NOT put them in the grouping.


Given your problems, perhaps trying four scenes may be the better options.  Still, I would check the button groupings to make sure it does NOT automatically establish the mutual-exclusive group as before.


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