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Multiple Lighting Scenes


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Since I had some new switches arrive today, I decided to do the swap while I had the power off for the latest additions. By doing the swap and having one of the paddle switches become the load switch, everything not only works as intended, but I'm now able (as an extra benefit that I wasn't originally seeking) to have 'button 1' and 'button 2' act as radio buttons to indicate which scene is active since 'button 1' no longer has to stay on since this switch is no longer controlling a load.


After further testing, the issue still exists - only in a different form. It's this different form that tells me exactly what the issue is and that it can probably be reproduced on any dimming switch that is controlling a load. After selecting the movie theme, if I turn the lights off from any method and then go to the switch controlling the load, the lights will go on at the level of the movie scene even though that switch is a controller of the normal light scene.


As I said - this can be reproduced just by using a load controlling switch with no scenes programed. Turn on the switch. Using the dimming or brighten option on the switch, set the level of the light to something it normally doesn't turn on to. Turn the switch off and then turn it back on. It will go back to the last setting used instead of it's default setting.  This is something my wife pointed out to several months ago that she noticed when she adjusted the light level in a room and the next time she turned on it was at the last level instead of the expected level.


This may be fine if you don't normally dim/brighten the lights or if you are using something like a fan-link to control the load as it will be controlled by remote switches which always turn the load controller on at the level the scene they are set to defines.


I'm sure when I bring this to Insteon's attention they will say it is a feature and not a bug, although it produces undesired results. They designed the switches to return to the last known state in the event of a power outage. Great when the power comes back on, but when I set a button to turn the lights on to a desired level, I want it to always come back on at the set level instead of whatever it may have been set to on the last power on.


I'll keep those who are interested updated on what they say.

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Yes, I understand. You need to make sure the buttons the Living Room KPL are set to Toggle. On that KPL click on the B button then on Options in the right side window.


I'm Gary Funk and I approved this message.

I had already tired that, but just to be sure I deleted everything in the scene and started from scratch and tried again just to be sure.  Both times when I pressed the Kitchen Button A nothing happened but when I pressed the living room button A All the lights turned on then they turned off and kept cycling on and off until I disabled the scene.  the strange thing is more lights were turning on than I had set in the scene.  I'm new to this and have been playing around with different programs and scenes to figure out how to do different things and I think I might have old remnants that are messing me up.  Is there a way to check or clear the slate and start from scratch?  Thank you in advance for any help you are able to offer. 


Did you create a button A scene with the A buttons as controllers and the lights as responders? Which devices are Lights 1, 2, and 3?

Yes, I created a scene with 2 KPL's (My plan is to make it 5 KPL's sometime down the road) where All Button A's turn on or off a scene "whatever lights are in that scene"

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After further testing, the issue still exists - only in a different form. It's this different form that tells me exactly what the issue is and that it can probably be reproduced on any dimming switch that is controlling a load. After selecting the movie theme, if I turn the lights off from any method and then go to the switch controlling the load, the lights will go on at the level of the movie scene even though that switch is a controller of the normal light scene.


As I said - this can be reproduced just by using a load controlling switch with no scenes programed. Turn on the switch. Using the dimming or brighten option on the switch, set the level of the light to something it normally doesn't turn on to. Turn the switch off and then turn it back on. It will go back to the last setting used instead of it's default setting. This is something my wife pointed out to several months ago that she noticed when she adjusted the light level in a room and the next time she turned on it was at the last level instead of the expected level.


This may be fine if you don't normally dim/brighten the lights or if you are using something like a fan-link to control the load as it will be controlled by remote switches which always turn the load controller on at the level the scene they are set to defines.


I'm sure when I bring this to Insteon's attention they will say it is a feature and not a bug, although it produces undesired results. They designed the switches to return to the last known state in the event of a power outage. Great when the power comes back on, but when I set a button to turn the lights on to a desired level, I want it to always come back on at the set level instead of whatever it may have been set to on the last power on.


I can tell you that I have several wall switches that, when toggled from off to on, will go to the defined on level rather than last known state.


As I read the manual for the "insteon wall switch", I see that they have different modes, including a "resume dim" feature that can be selected or not. It sounds to me as if your switch is in this mode.


I do not recall whether this setting is configurable from the ISY admin panel, but would be surprised if not. Regardless, it appears that you can get the behavior you desire by reconfiguring a switch setting.

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I can tell you that I have several wall switches that, when toggled from off to on, will go to the defined on level rather than last known state.


As I read the manual for the "insteon wall switch", I see that they have different modes, including a "resume dim" feature that can be selected or not. It sounds to me as if your switch is in this mode.


I do not recall whether this setting is configurable from the ISY admin panel, but would be surprised if not. Regardless, it appears that you can get the behavior you desire by reconfiguring a switch setting.


This makes sense as I can only get half of my switches to exhibit this behavior.  I do not see this setting in the options for the switches. Just program lock, led on tx and no led. Looks like it's time to pull out my manual!!!!

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I can tell you that I have several wall switches that, when toggled from off to on, will go to the defined on level rather than last known state.


As I read the manual for the "insteon wall switch", I see that they have different modes, including a "resume dim" feature that can be selected or not. It sounds to me as if your switch is in this mode.


I do not recall whether this setting is configurable from the ISY admin panel, but would be surprised if not. Regardless, it appears that you can get the behavior you desire by reconfiguring a switch setting.




This was it - 100%!!!!!! Issue completely resolved!!!!!!!!!!!


It's just too bad this isn't an option in the ISY! Hey UD - feature request for the new 5.x firmware - add ability to configure the Resume Dim option on dimming switches!

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This was discussed in another thread recently.


It appears UDI has added a pseudo method of adding a Swutchlinc to a scene as a controller, and also pushing scene preset levels, into the same switchLinc, as if it were a responder, by programming the local levels.


To the user, this appears that the SwitchLinc can control itself via a scene, affecting itself, by operation of it's own paddle. The paddle only operates the dimmer portion of the switchLinc to it's own local levels, directly. By pushing scene programmed levels into the local levels of the switchLinc, it appears to be "part of a scene" that it also controls.



In V4.x this can be taken advantage of by adding the switchLinc to a scene as a controller along with any other devices, as controllers. They all appear to operate each other as well as themselves.


In V5.x this can be put into a program line (without secen usage) by setting the "local On" level and the local ramping level. When operated at the paddle locally, the local parameters set resume. This was installed in X10 devices in the 1980s and in Insteon devices since inception.

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I Figured it out, I had somehow not deleted some links and that was messing up what should have been simple.  Once I deleted everything and re discovered the KPL's everything worked like it should.  Thank you Gary and stusviews for the input.

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