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DSC - Nodelink with DSC


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Thanks for NodeLink.


I ordered and received my EnvisaLink4 which I was easily able to connect to my DSC PC1864 alarm system. I then  installed NodeLink on my Raspberry pi 3 and I was quickly able to set things up so that I can now access all my zones through the ISY and Mobilinc. 


Now I am having fun with the things I can do, now that I have access to the various alarm sensors... very cool!


I am also waiting for the delivery of my Venstar Colortouch T7900 thermostat (back-ordered!) that I will also connect using NodeLInk.


I just sent you, via PayPal, a donation as a small token of my appreciation for your work...


I do have one question... on the ISY when I look at the the device Partition 1 (the only partition I have) I see that the 'Ready' status shows as 'False' whereas the alarm is in a 'Ready' state... is this what I should expect?

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Thanks... I now understand what is going on.


I remembered that I did have one zone that has a problem and is always open. However that zone is an upstairs window and is excluded from the zones that need to be closed to arm the alarm. This was programmed by the installers when the alarm was originally set up, so that windows can be kept open at night when the alarm is armed.


I by-passed the open zone and the Ready status changed to True. So although my alarm system shows the status as 'Ready' and I can arm  it, the Ready status on the ISY shows as 'False'! Note that despite the 'False' status, I can still arm the system either from the ISY or Mobilinc (via programs).

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  • 8 months later...


Does anyone know how i can retrieve the status of my zones or alarm via REST api? I tried to run the RESP API for ISY but for the ones created in nodelink, the device does not have properties. Does anyone have this issue? I am currently running ISY v5.09 with nodelink server 0.7.0


Thanks for any help.

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