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Thinking outside the small black ISY box for a moment....


So could I run two ISY's with two PLM's? Or, as I also have HomeSeer but haven't really used it yet (going to build touchscreen for Elk/ISY/Sonos and more) could I add an Insteon PLM to HomeSeer and put some devices on that....?


Wasn't there a hint once at UDI producing a PLM? or did I dream that?


Basic Level: 


You can have multiple controllers so long as each controller only has direct linking & integration with those specific Insteon pieces of hardware. I do this already on several *Mini* networks in the home for proof of concept, testing, and long term validation of projects on the go.


Advanced Level: 


Some have talked about using the Network Module, Node Server, Polyglot to enable two way hardware status awareness of two controllers in the home. As of this writing I have never read of one single person actually doing this in a production environment. This is the next step for me assuming the details are fleshed out and it actually works besides on paper.




As of this writing there has been no updates as to the current status of the UDI developed global PLM. Past threads in this forum indicated the company was waiting for Smartlabs to finalize sale of the required PLM chips. Along with enabling the UDI company the ability to flash the hardware with new firmware should it ever be required.


It has been almost two years since this endeavor has been discussed along with the company actually having working prototypes.


Which UDI notes actually works and is simply waiting for the two specific areas to be agreed upon. Should you feel compelled to make you voice heard please take the time to sign up and like this post: http://forum.insteon.com/forum/main-category/new-insteon-device-wish-list/8221-plm-pro


This was my last reply in that specific thread:




I wanted to bring this product idea back to the very top as current hardware revisions 2.1 continue to fail. There was development on a third party PLM from UDI several years ago and it was said this device was simply waiting for Smartlabs to offer the following.


1. Sell the PLM chips to UDI.

2. Allow them to flash the PLM chip if and when needed on site.


Many years have since past and there has been no word from either Smartlabs or UDI regarding a International PLM which would allow others to enjoy the use of the ISY Series Controller.


One has to beg to ask the question as to why?!?!


From a business stand point offering a International and universal PLM which supports all regions of frequency / voltages would only help expand the reach and adoption of the Insteon hardware and platform. 2017 is fast approaching and I implore the powers that be to push forward and release a PLM that supports the above.


If that isn't something that will be considered at least stop blocking UDI from offering the very same. I've watched Insteon being surpassed by so many other protocols of the likes of Z-Wave / ZigBee in terms of being adopted by every market segment. In my eyes Insteon continues to be the superior home automation protocol given its dual band attributes.


But none of this matters because there isn't the same amount of hardware made available to all markets in the world. We all know certification takes time but there is no way it takes 3-4 years that's just impossible given the fact there are companies that do this very job to help companies obtain certification for those countries!


Insteon offers so many great products to many of us in North America.


Why would you limit your sales growth, potential, and adoption to such a small market segment?!?!


Joe Dadda: Lets make 2017 the year Insteon leads the market in all aspects. Show everyone Insteon continues to innovate and offers the most value in terms of features, price, and options. Lastly, encourage Insteon product adoption by helping Universal Devices Inc (UDI) release their very own 2413S PLM in hopes of offering superior Home Automation control to world regions. 


Help those, who can help you . . .


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