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Weather notifications

Bill Morrow

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OK, now that I have Julie making visitor announcements thanks to Thantar and Teken, I want to work on my climate announcements.


So I saw this code as an example of a snow announcement, but I'm also interested in a freezing rain warning:

Module 'Climate' Dew Point < 32 °F
And Module 'Climate' Humidity > 80 %
And Module 'Climate' Temperature <= 40 °F

Run Program 'Snow Probable' (Then Path)

- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The one thing I'm not sure of is how to stop the announcement every 5 seconds. I assume I need to set a variable and don't run the program once variable is set. The variable would need to be reset after an hour or so. You also don't want announcements at 3 in the morning either, but that's a pretty simple fix.



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Hi Bill

A few things, 

  1. What is your polling interval in the Climate module?
  2. What does the program 'Snow Probably' do, can you post it?
  3. You could try putting a "Repeat every X minutes" as the first statement before "Run Program Snow Probable".


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Hello Bill,


May I ask a few questions here if I can.


- When you say the announcement happens every 5 seconds is that actually happening or perceived? I ask because I haven't seen this kind of behavior as of yet. I am slowly completing many of the weather, environmental, and HVAC announcements for my own home now.


The problem I am running into is based on the WiKi some weather states don't seem to be present vs what is actually seen in the admin console via the weather module. Case in point we had three *Blizzard* warnings / conditions and fuzzy memory recalls they were indicated in the weather module but the WiKi makes no mention what the correct variable would be to use to capture this.


BTW: All the thanks must go to my 2017 Super Hero - Thanatar. My only contribution was to document the steps in a manner which made sense to everyone who isn't so quick on the draw like me!


Ha . . .

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Hi Bill

A few things, 

  1. What is your polling interval in the Climate module?
  2. What does the program 'Snow Probably' do, can you post it?
  3. You could try putting a "Repeat every X minutes" as the first statement before "Run Program Snow Probable".


Hi, the code is just a sample I 'borrowed'. I would actually put my Network Resource here. 


Polling interval is 300 I believe, I just installed it. I could make it higher, but there might be other things I want to poll more often, say a tornado warning.


I saw an interesting script that someone wrote to poll multiple weather stations and set variables in their ISY. It was being run on an RPi as I recall.


Thanks for the advice.

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Hello Bill,


May I ask a few questions here if I can.


- When you say the announcement happens every 5 seconds is that actually happening or perceived? I ask because I haven't seen this kind of behavior as of yet. I am slowly completing many of the weather, environmental, and HVAC announcements for my own home now.


The problem I am running into is based on the WiKi some weather states don't seem to be present vs what is actually seen in the admin console via the weather module. Case in point we had three *Blizzard* warnings / conditions and fuzzy memory recalls they were indicated in the weather module but the WiKi makes no mention what the correct variable would be to use to capture this.


BTW: All the thanks must go to my 2017 Super Hero - Thanatar. My only contribution was to document the steps in a manner which made sense to everyone who isn't so quick on the draw like me!


Ha . . .


Yeah, I'm just getting into this, so I'm just assuming it would run as long as the conditions were true. I did see the comment about the polling interval above.


I saw a script that polls several weather stations in case they are out of date, I assume you could modify it to find a weather station that has the condition you want.


You document was very helpful, it saved me a lot of time, even with my SD corruption.


Apparently you should not test the new announcement system at 3 AM however. LOL.

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Yeah, I'm just getting into this, so I'm just assuming it would run as long as the conditions were true. I did see the comment about the polling interval above.


I saw a script that polls several weather stations in case they are out of date, I assume you could modify it to find a weather station that has the condition you want.


You document was very helpful, it saved me a lot of time, even with my SD corruption.


Apparently you should not test the new announcement system at 3 AM however. LOL.


Based on my initial testing using the weather module the announcements only happen once during a state of change. What determines that state of change still eludes me so if someone has factual information about the theory of operations of the weather module that would be great to know.


The issue that I wanted to address was specifically to hear the warnings for Blizzard, Hail, Freezing Rain, etc. Several times in case it wasn't heard the first time because my current kludge speaker set up doesn't allow the messages to be heard in all parts of the home.


Which I plan to resolve once I finalize what audio system fits in my environment and meets all of the future needs. 


I may play around with the repeat function using a time interval to see if that works. My only concern is trying to balance the interval where its not annoying vs being useful. Thus far everyone is just blown away at what is being proactively spoken, announced, and communicated about the homes electrical, security, climate, weather, infrastructure, network, etc.


LOL - Oh thank God I wasn't the only one being called on the carpet. About not testing voice announcements while others are sleeping!

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I was playing with Teken's issue, as I want to do similar things. I came up with the following snippet to make Julie repeat herself  N times:


Temperature Sound - [iD 0015][Parent 0014]
        $C_Sound > 0
    And From    Sunrise +  3 hours 
        To      11:59:00PM (same day)

        Resource 'Snow Warning'
        Wait  2 minutes 
        $C_Sound -= 1

        $C_Sound  = 0

C_Sound is a State variable that I set in another program. Set it to 5 and your program, a network resource in my case will repeat 5 times. Since I'm doing voice announcement, I also check to make sure it's a reasonable hour. I'm using two minutes for the interval here, but I'll be using 30 minutes in real life. I also set my state to 0 if it gets outside my reasonable time zone.


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