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Program status vs activity.....


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In HomeSeer, I can check the activity of a program to see if it's currently running, but in the ISY, there doesn't seem to be a way to check the the activity, only the status which is true or false.


Plus this true or false state doesn't seem to make sense. If the program runs, it gets set to true, but remains true when the program stops.


I'd like to use a program as a variable for my alarm status with a very long wait time and set it to run from HS when the alarm is armed and stop the program when the alarm is disarmed.


I could do all of this in HS, but I'd prefer to keep as much as possible in the ISY in case the computer when down.

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OK. I figured it out with enough searching. The status is simply whether or not the true or false statement was run. This is nice because I don't even need the timer. I can just run the true or false statement manually.


Simple boolean variables for use in programs.

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Hello sorka,


The Program Summary tab has an Activity column which should display Idle, Running 'Then', or Running 'Else'.


The Last Run Time, Last Finish Time and Next Scheduled Run columns are self-explanatory; from them you can tell when the program last ran.


The Status column displays True or False as the program last executed the Then path or the Else path.


When your security panel arms, you can have a program run the Then path of a state program, which will make that state program's status True; when the panel is disarmed, a program can run the state program's Else path, making the state program's status False.

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