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Alexa "away", door sensor return program

Jay M

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Now that I have the portal and Alexa working, I want to do this:


When I'm ready to leave the house, I'll Say "Alexa, turn Away lights on."


Then I'll open the front door, close it behind me, and leave.


Later, when I return, I'll want the scene I call "mood" to turn on when I open the front door.


Basically, Away tuns most of the lights off, and mood sets all the living room lights where I like them.


How can I program this?


I assume, I'll need to have the return home program be triggered by the door sensor.  In that case, the program will need to ignore the door sensor for a short period of time until after I leave the the house. Otherwise, as soon as I open the door to leave, the lights will turn back to mood.




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Define a State variable called $sHouse.away


Create several  programs to control the variable.


Program Leaving.vocal



...set $sHouse.away = 1  <----impending leaving


....set $sHouse.away = 0


Set up Portal vocals for this program and use

  • 'Alexa. Turn On Away' (run Then)
  • 'Alexa Turn Off Away'  (run Else)


To complete the task of setting the Away mode variable


Program Just leaving


....HDS is switched On/Off Not sure which way you want it.


....$sHouse.away = 1  <----impending leaving


....set $sHouse.away = 2 <-----actually gone




Now you can write as many programs as you like based on this variable


Program Just Got Home


....$sHouse.away = 2


....HDS is switched On/Off


....set $sHouse.away = 0




Now your ISY knows if you are home or not.


Program Evening Lighting


....$sHouse.away = 0


....From sunset

....To 11:00 PM


....turn on evening lighting



Program Shut All Off


....$sHouse.away = 2


....turn off all lights stuff





I think you will eventually find that you will need an additional variable called say.. $sHouse.vacation as they are different needs functions.

I don't set my heat back or HRV off unless I am going to be gone for more than 48 hours etc...

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Create a scene with all the device you want turned off the a level of Off. If you want a few lights on when you leave, then set those to the appropriate On-level. The voice command is, "turn Dine Out on," and can be initiated by voice or a KPL button. The program also turns on the walkway lights and turns them off 4 minutes later.


Dine Out Front Door
        Control 'LR / Devices / LR Ceiling Light KPL 20 / LR Light KPLD Dine Out' is switched On
        Set Scene 'EX / Scenes / EX Walkway' On

        Set Scene 'House / Dine Out' On

        Wait  4 minutes
        Set Scene 'EX / Scenes / EX Walkway' Off

   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

You can create a similar program to turn on mood lights when you return.

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