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Geofence Variable not updating with ISY fw:5.0.7


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I have been using Mobilinc Pro for quite some time controlling both of my ISY's. My 'home' ISY is on v.5.0.7 whereas my 'cottage' ISY is on v.4.3.26.


I don't use either Mobilinc Connect or the ISY Portal. I connect remotely to my ISY's with No-IP DDNS.


Since I switched to v.5.0.7 on my 'home' ISY I no longer see the Geofence variable updated when my iPhone6 comes into range!


I recognize that v.5.0.7 is an 'Alpha' version (which, from my experience, has been extremely stable) and that Mobilinc has not been updated yet to account for the new firmware. However is this what I should expect (i.e. no Geofence updating) or is there something else going on? Are others experiencing the same?

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MobiLinc will not update variables with the ISY 5.X branch. This is one of the two issues I have with MobiLinc, the other is the display and control of thermostats.

I think part of the problem is that variables now have a precision parameter which 4.X didn't have and it confuses either MobiLinc or the ISY when they talk to each other.


The only way to do GeoFencing with the ISY when using direct access (not using either MobiLinc or ISY portals) would be to use an app like Locative and tell Locative to access the ISY directly using REST commands to set/reset the variable. I haven't tried this, it's just a theory.

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Thanks Andy... I was hoping it was just a setup issue I was missing! That really is too bad because I am planning to bring my other ISY up to the ISY 5.x level and I really like the Geofence variable updates!!


I haven't seen a problem with my access to my thermostat with Mobilinc on v.5.0.7! What issues are you experiencing?

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Changing set points, when I try to increase a set point it sets it to 9... (Can't tell what the second digit is).  Temperature displays are truncated. Unable to determine what the current set points are at due to the truncation. I have Z-Wave thermostats, maybe it's fine on Insteon thermostats.


I am having great success using Locative with the ISY Portal to do the GeoFencing though.

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I have a Venstar 2491T Insteon Thermostat and I have full access within Mobilinc.



MobiLinc is working fine for me on 5.08 updating home and away variables via iPhone geolocation.

I also cannot access my thermostat via MobiLinc.


After reading your comment I went back into Mobilinc and deleted all my geofence settings and then tried again... Interestingly,  it's now working, which is great news.

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