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Program not firing. Not sure why?


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Any idea why the below program doesn't fire? The Away button is On, I even queried from ISY to make sure ISY knows about it. I change the time in the program to a minute from now, and watch .... but nothing happens.



Time is 3:39:00PM

And Control 'KPL@Office - Away' is On



Set 'Cabana @ Back Office' On



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


How do I go about troubleshooting this?




I don't have a 'vacation' button setup, though it's in my plans.


What about that other vacation button thread? Where it was suggested to create a folder and use 'CONTROL' to determine whether or not the contained programs run?


Could he eliminate the 'away' check in this program, and put it in the folder instead? And have the program itself simply check the time?

I think without being able to do a status check on the "Away" button it will not work.


But isn't that what your vacation button program does? It checks the "status" (via control) of the button to determine whether the folder can run or not.


Actually the program works without the time part. I tested by running the program manually.


It looks like the time part at the beginning isn't triggering the program to fire.


I am a bit confused myself because from what I understand is...


Control = Button push fires event.

Status = Current button status at time of event.


But with status the keypadlinc non-load buttons are missing so we cant use status on them.


By the way I added another example to the Vacation Button post. Check it out and see if it might help you out with ideas.


Not sure if this will work but try this...


Create a program call "Away From Office".


   Control 'KPL@Office - Away' is On 

Then update your program like this.


   Time is 3:39:00PM
   And Program 'Away From Office' is True 

   Set 'Cabana @ Back Office' On 


The wiki entry is a good start, but some of it is outdated since I wrote it at the start of the Beta.


When everything has settled down, which hopefully will be by the next drop, I will update the Wiki with a more detailed tutorial.


By the way, in some cases the true/false status of a program is not being set correctly. This is fixed in the next beta drop, along with the keypad button status/actions.

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