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Is there a list of Device versions and their supported options?


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This question hit me as I have been looking specifically into Load Sense and the LampLinc module.  From what I can gather through several posts across several websites, LampLinc modules used to support Load Sense, but later versions do not.  As an aside, Smarthome Still lists that as an option on their site And it is still listed in the LampLinc documentation - that might be something Smarthome may want to look into from an advertising standpoint.

But it got me to wondering, has anyone put a list together of Insteon Devices and their Version Numbers and what Options those versions do and don't support?

I've searched but haven't found one.  I have several LampLinc modules but they aren't that old - I have Not yet gone through each of them to determine if they have Load Sense implemented or not, but if there is a list that says "Version X.Y has Load Sense, removed in Version X.Z", that would save me some time.  :-)


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There isn't anything on the Internet that is that detailed about the options. The manderite site had the closet you will ever see where it calls out different attributes for the Insteon hardware. But that site hasn't been updated for awhile and doesn't include the details you seek about load sense.


Keeping in mind it wouldn't address a firmware cut in.





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The web list Teken pointed out is still available and have not been updated recently, as mentioned.


I have used it occasionally. It can be of some help with the older modules. As I have seen features added in some hardware revisions and then again disappear with even newer revisions. Of the SAME basic model name and part number. For that reason we frequently ask for the basic part number, hardware revision and date code on the module.



Which LampLinc are you asking about? I suspect the 2457D2 ones presently being sold.


Smarthome likes to keep the same basic name for a whole bunch of modules.

LampLinc could be the 2000 Series X10 only, 2456D2, 2456D3, 2457D2 Insteon ones.


I have also seen Load Sensing used in two different descriptions.

Some of the early modules had Local Control Sensing (Load Sensing in some manuals). If the module was Off and you toggled the load from On to Off and back to On. The module turned On.

The latest 2457D2 mentions a Load Sensing feature. Where the module can control another module.

Are you looking for Local Control like the earlier modules or Load sensing where the module can control another module linked to it?

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Thanks Teken and Brian H.  That list looks close to what I was thinking.  I think that would pretty much have to be a list Insteon would need to own and keep up-to-date.


I bought my first Insteon devices just over 3 years ago.  (And, for the record, my Original PLM lasted 3 years and 1 week before crapping out.  I bought a new version, but will replace the caps on the old one as a backup).  All the LampLincs are 2457D2.  One is "R3.2 2813", one is "R3.4 3713", and the rest are "R3.6" with varying number (mostly 3614, but also 1315 and 2515).  I need to test a few of these, but I suspect none of them have Load Sense.


There are 3 places I use Load Sense, and for all 3 I'm currently using the Outdoor On/Off module.  I haven't tried the normal On/Off modules I have just because the Outdoor ones are working fine.  2 are on table fans where you can, as Brian H says, just turn it off and back on locally at the fan to override the module.

The Specific issue I am looking at is a halogen floor lamp that has the third Outdoor module on it, and that is to keep peace in the household so that the light can be turned on manually and not get me in trouble!   :-)  I would like to put a dimmer on that but with the Load Sense option, which was the genesis of my original post.

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I believe the 2457D2 does have Load Sensing but the default maybe disabled.

There is a set button sequence/ LED Flash pattern for Load Sensing On/Off in the Full Users Manual. That may give you some assistance.


I tried to post the link to the manual but Smarthome seems to have changed their support site and the manual link is no longer a complete web address.

You can find the link in the manuals tab of the 2457D2 sales page.

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DOH! - you are right!, MY APOLOGIES to Smarthome!  I was confusing the On/Off Module with the LampLinc Module.  LampLinc Does have Load Sense, the On/Off Module does not.  That would explain why I have the two table fans on Outdoor On/Off modules because they Do have Load Sense (I installed them a couple years ago!).


Thanks Brian H - I put a LampLinc on my halogen lamp and it works perfectly.  I guess I should Try instead of Assume!  :-)

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Well things change from revision to revision of LampLincs.

I have the original 2457D2/2457D2X {2457D2X was a power line only version} manual and it specified that there was no load sensing in it.

Later ones did. Not sure if it disappeared again. As I have a few that seem to not want to do load sensing.


I have one late production 2456D3 LampLinc that has controller features. It will control other modules linked to it in a scene and trigger them with local control turning it on.

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