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ISY994 IR Pro - not responsive lately?


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I have been noticing a program (motion sensor comes on, light should turn on, stay on for 20 minutes, then shut off) hasnt really been running properly for the last week or so.  Its in my garage so i notice it when I am coming in and out of the house.  I kept forgetting to check on it. 


Today I noticed that the insteon switch running the program had a ramp rate of 9 minutes and a local on level of 0.


So I changed it to .2 seconds & 100% - that seemed to do the trick.  So i looked at a few other devices & they also seem to have this 9 / 0 levels preset.  I changed it & noticed that the changes arent sticking.  They stick of a second but if i log off & back on the changes arent staying.


So then I do a restore PLM figuring something is wacky.  After I check PLM Links & it keeps dying out around 15 links (I have 700 typically).  I reboot the PLM, reboot the ISY & the link counting keeps stoping fairly quickly.


I then looked back at the few devices with the ramp rate issues & they are back to the 9 minute ramp with 0% on locally.


Any ideas what might be the problem?  I am on the latest firmware.  I have a  NIB PLM I could swap out if needed.  


Just curious what might be causing the issue.




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