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Amazon Echo - Voice Identification


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Ever since 2015? Wow, at this point it's vaporware B)


Rome wasn't built in a day nor was the great wall of China . . . For a company to invest the right amount of R&D to bring to market a solid user experience is something I am more than willing to accept.


Too many companies use the general public as Alpha / Beta guinea pigs for their wares. Never taking the time to sit down and really go through the QA process - never mind asking third parties to offer testing feedback.


If someone was to ask me to back Amazon in this effort I would have no problem doing so. There is too much at stake in this space to falter or offer what you phrased as vaporware. I always reflect back and think how could a company that sells *Things* to the masses eclipse companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Name any company.


Who are dedicated in technology to the Nth degree . . .


Yet, each and every one of these companies are just now trying to catch the market leader.


If this spurs on more competition & development from the likes of Apple, Google, Microsoft, good!


Ultimately, in my view this will offer the general public more security, privacy, and value.

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And, hopefully, it will prevent activation from TV commercials and news stories...


Just being able to set the activation phrase would be helpful.


Both Amazon and Google - What Were They Thinking?!


Not sure if anyone has seen this happen in their homes but as of late Alexa seems to be activating more often with TV / Movies being played and none of the words spoken come even close to the wake word of *Alexa*!


I will be reviewing the V-card log to see what it is she thinks she heard later today.

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Voice recognition, which involves who is speaking as opposed to speech recognition which is what is being said no matter who is saying it, has been around for more than a decade. So, Amazon is not starting from scratch. I'd guess that a major part of the problem is cost. I'm certainly for a reasonable price.


But, reasonable is not quantifiable, I'd pay about double the current price (Echo and Dot), others would pay more. But, I'll bet that most won't pay that much B)

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I started playing with Voice recognition some time back at work with early versions of Dragon and later in my HA. Believe me, the "out of the box" stuff today is better than the old stuff that had to be taught to recognize voice patterns. Does it have glitches, but yes, man SO much better now...

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Voice recognition, which involves who is speaking as opposed to speech recognition which is what is being said no matter who is saying it, has been around for more than a decade. So, Amazon is not starting from scratch. I'd guess that a major part of the problem is cost. I'm certainly for a reasonable price.


But, reasonable is not quantifiable, I'd pay about double the current price (Echo and Dot), others would pay more. But, I'll bet that most won't pay that much B)


I suspect that you're referring to speech recognition (what someone says) and not voice recognition (who says it).

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