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Automated Hot Water Recirculation


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I’ve been considering installing a recalculating hot water system for a while. My plan would be to put a dedicated re-circulating line from the furthest sink back to the hot water heater. A check valve and pump would be installed on the return line. I’ve been considering the Metlund S-70T . Can I just get buy a re-circulating pump like the Taco Model 008 and have the ISY control the pump? I could set rules to have the ISY turn the pump on based on time, motion in the bathroom, a light or fan turned on in the bathroom, etc.


With X10, I could connect red and black wires from the Metlund to terminals on a Universal Module (PUM01), set the selector switches to “Momentary†and “relay onlyâ€, and plug it into an outlet. Can the ISY communicate with a PUM01? If not, does Insteon have a similar module?


I'm wondering what kind of ideas you guys might have as far how to automate the system. Thanks in adavance.

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I have a metlund s70T and it works great. I use the simple doorbell type press button to activate it. We just press the button prior to taking a shower. We have two sinks in our master bathroom and I don't use hot water at my sink. My wife's sink has a 2.5 Gal tank under the sink to keep some water ready, therefore the metlund is only for the shower.


Yes, I could put an IOlinc or an EZIO2X4 on it and use automation, but the metlund offers their own motion sensors that could be installed near each sink, if necessary.


Here is a note: the unit is pretty quiet, but it actually is louder in the room right behind the sink where I have it installed than it is in the room where the sink is... probably due to the fact that there is only a couple of sheets of drywall between it and that other room, but there is wood (a sink cabinet) between it and the room where the sink is...

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