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Echo Discovery of Devices/Scenes through MobiLinc Connect

Randall Grogan

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I am using the Mobilinc Portal with my ISY.  I have two echo's and am using the Orchestrated MobiLinc application on my iPad.  I have associated Alexa with my MobiLinc account when I enabled the "MobiLinc Smart Home" skill in Alexa.


I have quite a number of scenes, devices and programs.  However, the same subset of 43 are discovered each time.  Only devices and programs are discovered (no scenes) and not all of the devices.   I can not figure out why my other Devices and Scenes are not being discovered


I have tried disabling the Skill in Alexa and reenabling/discovering, but the result is the same.  What am I MISSING?


Edit: I should note that I would be happy to ditch MobiLinc Connect, and go with the ISY Portal... my year is nearly up with MobiLinc.  Feel free to convince me that this would be easier to troubleshoot.

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