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Trying to connect a 2466D switch


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Hi Andrew

  • Did you install it by using New Insteon Device, or putting it in link mode and use Start Linking?
  • What specific messages you are getting from the ISY?
  • What type of load is connected?
  • Was the switch turned on when you tried installing it to the ISY? If yes, turn it off and retry


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Hi Paul!


I tried both connection message.


I'm not receiving any message from the ISY.


Load... ah, not sure how to answer that, other than it's 120V, with Line, Load, Neutral, and Group.


Switch turned on? Yes... Turned off & retried.. BINGO! :)


Not sure why that would matter, but now I know. Thanks! 



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Hi Andrew


It matters because whatever the load it (what you are controlling) is interfering with communications. Are you turning on low voltage lighting, a motor, LED lights?


I would expect that you'll be able to reliably turn on whatever it is, but not be able to do anything with it once it is on



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