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2413U with serial adapter possible?


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The ISY99i and present model ISY994i. Only works with a 2413S or 2412S Serial Port PLM.

There is no USB signals on the RJ45 Serial Port connector.

The mini-USB Monitor connector on a ISY994i is for other purposes and not an interface to a PLM.


If you are asking about a 2413U connected to a USB to Serial Port adapter and then the serial signals patched into an ISY994i. I believe there is no 5 volts DC on the 2413U's USB connector to power an adapter. Since it is the Down Stream square B type jack not the upstream A type jack.

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Swapping a PLM between a PC and an ISY is not practical, for a lot of reasons.  The biggest issue is that changes made (such as links inside the PLM) by the ISY will not be known to the application on the PC, and if the PC makes changes to the links, the ISY won't know about them.  The result is that either or both will end up confused, and you may need to rebuild your Insteon network in order to recover, in the worst-case scenario.


If you still insist on doing that, you'll want a serial PLM to connect to the ISY, and put the USB-to-Serial adaptor on the PC.


By-the-way, I use both a PC and an ISY -- but I use separate PLMs, so that neither one gets confused.  The PC is for debugging and testing work, the ISY has become so important in the home automation system that I can't turn it off to "borrow" it's PLM anyway.

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If you use the USB to Serial Port adapter and a 2413S.

The custom DB9 to RJ45 serial cable should be packed in the 2413S shipping box. Though many times in the packing frame and missed by many users.

Since there is no mention of it being hidden in the packing frame.

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thanks guys,


So I get if I would like just to use 1 PLM to use the Serial version.

in that case it wont get confused or would it still get confuse if I use a different software to test in the PC.


let say, the insteon devices are linked to the serial PLM on the ISY, if I borrow the same PLM to use on a PC just to test out a HA software would it cause conflicts and mess everything out?



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That's a very slippery slope. Add/change/delete devices or scenes with test software could have unintended impacts, as the ISY could get out of sync with its last view of the PLM configuration.


Not being able to make those changes may defeat your purpose of testing. The ISY will need to be unplugged, and then restarted after testing.


Since PLMs have historically died often around the 2 year mark, another suggestion is to get a second serial PLM for testing, and also have it on hand as your back up when the primary dies. PLMs occaisionaly go on sale on Amazon, I got my backup PLM there for ~$30,



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thanks guys,


So I get if I would like just to use 1 PLM to use the Serial version.

in that case it wont get confused or would it still get confuse if I use a different software to test in the PC.


let say, the insteon devices are linked to the serial PLM on the ISY, if I borrow the same PLM to use on a PC just to test out a HA software would it cause conflicts and mess everything out?



I would not recommend using the same PLM on the ISY994i and other PC based software.

Almost a 100% chance of messing up the Link Database in it with both links the ISY994i made and links from the PC software.


Right now  sold and shipped by Amazon 2413S PLMs are out of stock. One of their Amazon Marketplace vendors have it for $40.00.

I got the latest hardware 2.3 2413S  PLM from Amazon. Not sure if the Marketplace vendors is the latest revision. Smarthome has posted in the 2413S reviews. They changed some parts in the 2.3 revision for reliability.

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o wow, thanks for the info.


so in this case it would be considered safe to have 2 serial PLM and have the Insteon devices connected/paired to them at the same time.

while 1 is up the other one would be completely unplugged.


I will keep and eye on amazon.



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If you are going to use a separate PLM on the computer and with the ISY994i. You could use a 2413U on the computer if it only has USB Ports. Eliminating the need for a USB to Serial Adapter. The Quick Users Guide gives you the link to the 2413U's built in manufacturers USB IC's drivers page.


There will be PLM ID links in your Insteon Modules from both PLM's

Things may still get messed up. As the software on the PC and the ISY994i. Will not know what the other added to each module.

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You need to always install new devices that will be shared to the isy first. It's install process typically wipes out the existing links in the device.


My suggestion would be to only link as few devices as necessary for testing, and/or use spares for testing if you have them.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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