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Possible Bug?


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I just used agave to turn on an hvac unit from off to cool.  The unit turned on (as expected), then turned back off again almost immediately (not expected).


It seems like the cause might have been that Agave hadn't synced yet when I flipped it to cool mode and perhaps somehow states got crossed and it changed its mode to cool prior to sync and then it was simultaneously syncing to the old state of off which perhaps it then immediately sent to ISY?


I do find the app in general to be confusing when it first opens.  You see all the state of everything, but it is not the current state, and then 5 or 10 seconds later it syncs with ISY, or maybe I have to hit the sync button.  I feel like I am in no-man's-land for a little while unsure if what I am seeing is current or old and if it is trying to sync or not.

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I just used agave to turn on an hvac unit from off to cool.  The unit turned on (as expected), then turned back off again almost immediately (not expected).


It seems like the cause might have been that Agave hadn't synced yet when I flipped it to cool mode and perhaps somehow states got crossed and it changed its mode to cool prior to sync and then it was simultaneously syncing to the old state of off which perhaps it then immediately sent to ISY?


I do find the app in general to be confusing when it first opens.  You see all the state of everything, but it is not the current state, and then 5 or 10 seconds later it syncs with ISY, or maybe I have to hit the sync button.  I feel like I am in no-man's-land for a little while unsure if what I am seeing is current or old and if it is trying to sync or not.


Very odd.  Do you think you can try to repeat this issue?  


When Agave starts like most apps it is in the state that is last saw the ISY.  It then takes a few seconds for it to reconnect to the ISY and get any device changes since it was last seen.  Unfortunately there is no way around this at the moment.  


As for an indication.  The top right icon/refresh button.  Once it turns green on startup, it starts the device refresh process.  It shouldn't take much more then a few secs to complete and everything should be up to date.  Over a WAN connection and depending on your SSL cert strength this process may be longer. 

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I don't exactly want to try to recreate it.  Short cycling hvac units is not something I like to do on purpose.  The units do have a delay built-in so it doesn't really short cycle it, but still.


I have found that when I open Agave, the updating circle doesn't start spinning for several seconds, then it starts spinning and after 2 or 3 more seconds it updates.  I don't know why at first it acts like the values are current by not spinning.  Perhaps it first logs in to isy and then it pulls the status, and maybe the circle only spins during the second part of that process?  It would be best if the circle started spinning immediately and didn't stop until you either get a failure error or it gets updated.


Even better would be if the settings were partially greyed out until com is established with ISY.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello James,

I'm having very similar issues with the amount of time it takes to connect and even then, I will still receive update failures. It does seem lately it happens more often. When I do open the Agave app, it may take up to 20 or 30 seconds to connect. My understanding is that it should run in the background and be able to update consistently. Majority of the time, my thermostats are off of what it shows by at least 5 degrees. When i arrive close to home, I have a program that when pressed will disarm my home and open the garage door, although it has been failing to connect quite often. For a while, I thought it may be from my network or wifi, but my network is running pretty solid right now. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.




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Agave can no longer ramain active in the background for long.  Android has implemented a DOZE function that will deactivate internet access to most applications on the device when the screen is off.  There a re few applications that get whitelisted for this always on feature these days.  This is one of the reasons that I am pushing so hard for GCM/FCM cloud messaging.  This would allow agave to remain in contact with the ISY via push notifications.  


What type of devices are these?  protocol?](zwave,insteon)

     - if zwave - when is the last time you synced and healed your network?  - I tend to find out that zwave devices perform better after I have healed the network and they have relearned their paths for communication.


Depending on your encryption level, it could take up to 10 secs for Agave to connect and decrypt a Certificate(4096).  I use 2048 bit encryption for a happy medium.  It will take about 4-5 secs to connect.  


After connection, the ISY will send,  along with the new subscription connection,  a batch of the last updates performed on the system.  After this completes, Agave will pull the status of all devices listed as favorites.  This in total will take about 10 secs assuming you are using the 2048 bit Cert.  Longer if using a higher encryption.  From that point Agave will pull the current status of each device as it is viewed.   


Right now this is the best I can do to maintain current devices and not pull a full list of all devices with each connection.  


Let me know if you fit into any of this.

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Thanks James for responding so quickly. My home automation network is all Insteon devices. As for my thermostats, they are Venstar T1800 with insteon adapters 2441V. For my security system, I have a DSC Panel connected through a Raspberry Pi with NodeLink to my ISY. 

 Before Agave was pretty responsive from the time I open it, to the moments of connection. That must be the reason as it is no longer running in the background. 





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