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Open Close Sensor - One Time Trigger


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Hello everyone,


I am sure you guys can help, so thanks in advance.


I have the below program to run the fan in the bathroom when the shower door is open. The issue is, that I open the shower door, turn on the water, close the door and then a few moments later actually go into the shower.


I have the below program and I would like it to run on the first "open" scenario and ignore (for a time) the others. How do I do that? I notice I open and close open and close and the fan continues. Thank you



               Status Bath Entry is On

     AND  Status Sensor is On 



             Set Fan On

             Wait 15 Minutes

            Set Fan Off


I Use Insteon Open Close sensor and switch and an ISY

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Assuming that I understand your intentions, I suppose you could try something like:



status bath entry is On

and status fan is off

and control sensor is on


run next program (then path)


Next program (disabled):





set fan on

wait 15 minutes

set fan off


If you want to define a time other than 15 minutes to wait for the next fan trigger, a few other steps may be needed.

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