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burned out Lamplinc


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Well, I had my first casualty....one of my Lamplincs went south, and stopped working. Put a new one in, and redid all the linking and fixing the scenes and such.


Two questions:


1. Instead of my having to reset all the ramps and scenes and such associated with this Lamplinc...could I have used that "replace (the old bad Lamplinc) with (the new Lamplinc)" menu command...and that would have saved me some trouble by automatically fixing all the ramps and scenes.....is that what this command is for?


2. Anyone have some stats on how many of these Lamplincs go bad after only 2-3 months of use?





thanks guys......AFTER I went to all the trouble of doing it the old fashioned way, it dawned on me that this function might have been what I REALLY should have used to save a LOT of time....well, you live and learn.


Say, have any of you guys had a Lamplinc just die on you?





....well, this LL did just die.....last night the lights did not work....I thought the maid had just turned off the lights manually, but that was not it. First clue....the little LED on the LL was not lit. Swapped it out with a new one, reprogrammed ISY, and all was well again. These things are warranted for 2 years, so I guess SmartHome will give me a new one.


You may have wanted to try reset before swapping it out. Sometimes a noise glitch will confuse LampLincs; ApplianceLincs and such. Unplug for maybe 30 seconds then reconnect and see if it now works. I have had ro reset a few ApplianceLincs myself.

Though I also had one of the first ones to Flame Out with certain loads. Thus the Smarthome Recall of early ApplianceLincs.

LampLincs have a fues in them so an overload like someone pluged a heavy load in it it maybe blown. Soldered in not user replaceable normally.


thanks Bryan and mdcastle......on resetting the LL, I have let it sit unplugged for hours, and when you plug it back in, the LED still does not come on.....this unit is toast. On the maid plugging in a vac to this unit.....no, that did not happen....this unit is way out of sight from such happenings. The unit has just died on it's own, with only about 150 watts on it. There is another LL plugged in right next to it, and it is working just fine, so go figure.

thanks, Bruce


I've had 2 LL's die within the last 2 months. They were both new - 1 died within weeks of installation, and the other within a month. Both had only a 60W lamp plugged in. Smarthome had nothing to say, they simply replaced them.

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