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Updates, backups and upgrades


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Macbook Pro 10.12.5

ISY 994i(1120)


Insteon UD994 v.4.4.6


I am having a lot of trouble. .


I cannot backup the ISY program.  It just hangs and I literally have to shut down the computer and restart, even after updating to Java 8 13.


I cannot upgrade to 4.5.4.


I cannot enable internet access (May have nothing to do with the above)


My programs are still running fine, just locked in where I am. I can't seem to get a couple of 4 button remotes to work, but that may be unrelated as well.


Any advice or direction will be appreciated

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Try rebooting the ISY by removing power then wait a few seconds and power it up. If the ISY does a query after the power up be sure to wait until it's completed before you try another backup


When you backup does it show the backup location before you start the actual backup? 

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Last successful backup was one year ago, almost to the day (6/17/16).


Does *not* show where it is trying to backup, it simply hangs (rotating pinwheel).


Download of 4.5.4 fails to resolve image.


Made will try the next one, 4.6.3?


Is your ISY firmware and UI the same version (4.5.4)?


If not then delete your java cache, including all applications, and then download version 4.5.4 of the admin console.

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