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How to re-assign an existing device?


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I've been an Insteon / ISY user since the beginning, but I guess I've never tried to re-assign a device.  Is there an easy way?


I have a LampLinc Module that used to control accent lights in the kitchen.  It is entwined in various scenes and programs.


We recently moved to a new home and I would like to remove this module from all current associations and use it to control a living room lamp.


Do I have to manually find all scenes and programs it belongs to and remove each association?  And then factory reset the module to start it fresh?


Is there a way to remove the module in the ISY 994i that would in turn remove it from all existing links, scenes and programs?



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I would think that removing the device from any folders then deleting the device would work.  My recollection is that it is not necessary to remove a given device from scenes or programs prior to deleting it completely from the ISY. 


Once deleted, perform a factor reset on the device and re-add it.

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You can search all programs first for any occurrence of the device in question: Right click on My Programs, Find/Replace, Your Devices.

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