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Portal Interface bug: Select took doesn't work when change # entries


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I really love how my Google Home works with my ISY. Good work UDI. However, today I tried to update the portal and discovered an urgent problem UDI needs to fix fast


There is a bug in the ISY Portal interface that causes nothing to happen when you click on "Select Tool".


Clicking on "Select Tool" is supposed to produce a drop down menu, but this drop down menu often doesn't appear. Then clicking on "Select Tool" just does nothing. Repeated clicking on "Select Tool" never does anything.


The problem occurs whenever you previously clicked on the the menu "Show xxx entries". On this menu "xxx" is from another drop down menu and the choices are 10, 25, 50 and 100.


Suppose you change the number of entries to 25 and the "Select Tool" menu works, then changing the number of entries to 50 will causes nothing to happen when you press the "Select Tool" menu. But changing to 50 entries will make the "Select Tool" menu work again. Changing to 100 entries will cause the "Select Tool" menu to do nothing again.


The failure of the "Select Tool" menu to work doesn't depend on the number of entries. Instead, it alternates between working, not working, working, not working, ... 


If 100 entries doesn't work, change to 10 entries (works), 25 entries (won't work) and 100. Now 100 works.


When I first tried to setup my Google Home, I probably explored the UI of the Portal interface, and I may have tried changing the number of entries to see what would happen. If one does that, there is a 50% chance the "Select Tool" menu won't work. That may have been part of the great frustration I had a couple weeks ago when I first set up my Google Home.


After getting Google Home working, I knew the "Select Tool" menu had to work. So when it didn't work today, I just keep trying until I got it to work again. Then I figured out the problem.


It is urgent that this problem be fixed ASAP. For people who are new users, a problem like this could cause them to give up in frustration.



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I'm using the 32-bit Chrome browser version 59.0.3071 in Windows 7. My brower says it is up to date.


I just ran into another problem. After you use "Select Tool", "connectivity", "Google Home" you get a popup called "Spoken device list". At the top of that list you can choose how many spoken device will appear on one page of the list. The options are 10, 25, 50, 100. I set mine to 100. Then I added a lot of new devices. I ultimately had 33 devices when I closed the popup windows.


The next time I tried to add more devices, the same popup window "Spoken device list" was positioned so I could see the bottom of the popup with the "Close" button, but I could not see the top of the list. Scrolling to the top of the web page did not list me see the top of the spoken devices popup.


I was in a catch-22. The list had too many items, but I could not change the # of items in the list.


The only way I managed to fix this, was to delete many devices. When I had 25 devices I could close the spoken devices popup and reopen it and see part of the top of the list. I could not see the very top where is says "Add device scene program". But I could see below that where I could change the number of items in one page of the popup. Only by reducing the number of items to 10, was I able to see the very top of the popup where it says "Add device scene program".


I would prefer to set the number of devices to 100 and scroll the web page up and down. But because the popup doesn't have its own scrollbar and it not positioned properly I cannot do that.


Could you make the size of the web page large enough to include the entire "spoken devices" popup so that I can see the top of the popup when I scroll to the top of the web page.



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More on popup window.


If I open the "spoken devices" popup with 10 items, I can switch to 100 items. Then I can see the entire popup. This is really handy because I can print the popup all on one sheet of paper. 


A problem would occur if I closed the popup when it is set to 100 items. The next time I opened that popup, I wouldn't be able to see the top, change the number of items or add devices, scenes or programs. So it I set it to 100 items for printing, I have to reset it to 10 before I close it.


It appears to me that the popup doesn't need a scroll bar. I just needs to be put properly on the page when it is reopened. 




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