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Confused thermostat


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My upstairs thermostat is having an issue -- only in Agave.  Agave cannot see the current temp -- instead it states N/A.  All of the UD tools (web or Java) can see the temp.


The upstairs thermostat gets powered down most nights due to the way the whole house fan was set up (yeah.. on the list to fix).  Normally that is a non issue for the ISY and Agave.  But that may be a clue.  I have tried Refresh Data from settings, but that has no effect on the issue.


I should also mention that this is the first time this has happened.. all of the other days there have been no issues.




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Can you put Agave into debug mode and view the thermostat.  Send me the logs.  It will help figure out what is happening.

Going into debug mode "fixed" the issue.  That said, there are some nice exceptions there to look at.  My vote is for one of the unchecked exceptions.  Hopefully the debug is of some help.





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Going into debug mode "fixed" the issue.  That said, there are some nice exceptions there to look at.  My vote is for one of the unchecked exceptions.  Hopefully the debug is of some help.




I am not sure what the issue was, but it appears Agave was doing what it was supposed to.  It just appears that the ISY was not sending the Current temp or ST value.  

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