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not getting alerts

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Hi Andrew -


This confirms to me that your ISP is not blocking your port 587 to Gmail. To try the port 25 command, you would need to type QUIT and hit enter to close your previous TELNET session - sorry I wasn't more clear.


You guys may share the same symptom, but may or may not share the same cause. Is your ISY configured for a static IP address? If so, yes - please check out that article and confirm you have your DNS setup properly.

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Hi Mike;

How do I check if the ISY is setup for a static IP?


Just as an aside, I used to get the alerts just fine and then they stopped. I got one a few weeks back (I hadn't changed anything at that time) but then nothing else.

I'm not sure why they would just stop. I just automatically update anything but I did update the ISY to 2.7.0.


Do I have to reboot the ISY or unplug it and power down/ power up?


Just wondering if this is a common issue and just trying to educate myself a little more to understand it.


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Andrew -


You would know it if you had it setup for a static IP. You could certainly try rebooting your ISY.


If you've tried using the 'default' notification settings and also our Gmail account settings, and they both fail, please visit our support page to submit a trouble ticket and somoene from our support department can help resolve the issue.



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