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ISY Can Send Insteon. Doesn't Receive.


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ISY v.4.6.2 w/ updated PLM v9E. Largish existing network in use for 3+ years w/ Elk integration and Z-wave.


My ISY can send Insteon commands and control any Insteon device. However, it doesn't receive any Insteon events generated. So for example, I can switch on a light and the ISY won't know it. Yet if I query the device, the status will update to On. So clearly the ISY and PLM are able to receive the Insteon protocol from the network.


Devices linked in scenes together operate as expected. Programs can control devices as expected.


I already power cycled the ISY and PLM. No change. Integration with Elk via Ethernet is unaffected. Zwave devices are unaffected.


Events from my Insteon tstat ARE successfully received if I change the set points, humidity changes, etc. Events from my mini-remote are NOT received.


Level 3 Event logging shows no activity for these missing events. Error Log shows no errors.


I'm tempted to restore the PLM, but last time I did that it wasn't a simple quick, easy click. It took several tries with other issues that I can't recall the details of now.


Suggestions on best next steps?

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That's a sign that the the links table in the PLM, which allows it to decide what insteon network events to receive/send to the ISY, is empty. 


To find out, Try Tools / Diagnostics / Show PLM Links Table / Start


You can try factory resetting the PLM and Restore. Yes - complicated sometimes, but that's the only way I know if the PLM links table is evidence of the problem

  • Unplug both ISY and PLM,
  • Wait 10 seconds
  • Plug in the PLM and hold set button 3 seconds
  • release the set button and wait for the led to light
  • plugin the ISY
  • Restore modem 

This is the sign of dying PLM, maybe the factor reset will help.



Edited by paulbates
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Yeah... Should've been obvious to check the PLM links table. Thanks. Luckily I've been relatively trouble free for the past 18 mos but means my troubleshooting skills with ISY/Insteon/PLM have eroded.


Nothing shows up in the PLM links table with a Start request. Ug.


Strange my wireless tstat works though, eh?

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Yeah... Should've been obvious to check the PLM links table. Thanks. Luckily I've been relatively trouble free for the past 18 mos but means my troubleshooting skills with ISY/Insteon/PLM have eroded.


Nothing shows up in the PLM links table with a Start request. Ug.


Strange my wireless tstat works though, eh?

Agreed. I was going to also say links table empty or low. When the PLM is dying, it selectively deletes some links and others remain.


I only had the insteon tstats for a short while, my older HVAC units overwhelmed them when the igniters fired and then they acted unpredictably or ran heat on continuously. I switched to something else.



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 When the PLM is dying, it selectively deletes some links and others remain.



Sure. But the PLM links table is empty. How would it receive any event? Just an interesting note.... Don't want you to troubleshoot that for me. It's the ONLY device out of 130 that is able to communicate.

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 I restored the PLM. Less painful than I was thinking since it was the same PLM therefore all my Insteon devices didn't actually need to be updated. Just the PLM itself.

Seems things are running fine now. My links table is at 766 so should have just a bit more headroom to grow.

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