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X10 just died on me


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OK... this is weird.


After days of X10 working flawlessly, my ISY-26 is suddently not getting any X10 signals. I noticed it first with the RF remotes and motion sensor. I also tried plugging in my IR bridge right at the PLM and using the hard buttons to send X10 signals to the PLM/ISY-26 and the triggers aren't running at all.


Almost like some portion of the ISY-26 or PLM is simply dead and not receiving the X10 signals.


I've powered off and back on all devices, with the same results.


Any suggestions??


Have you installed any new printers or other euipment recently (Since this has happened)?

My experience with X10 is that new equipment (could be a new radio or electronic equipment) plays hell on X10 signals.

The problem that I have with mine is that my X10 signals are marginal at best, and I am using an external X10 receiver and booster.

I mentioned in an earlier post that my most recent X10 mis-adventures was because I actually had my ISY piggy backed onto my PLM and my X10 was about 20% reliable. I had to plug the ISY into an separate plug to get things working. It's still only about 90%. I need to have even further separation.

Does your PLM see the signals?

I have seen that the PLM sees the signals but does not re-transmit them to the ISY or even on the Insteon network.

When I get a good re-transmit from my PLM I can see the acknowledgment on my COntrol Linc




Do the LEDs on the ISY flash when you send an X10 signal?


If they do flash then ISY is getting the X10 message and not processing it properly (By the way, there is no known problem with ISY processing X10 messages).


If they don't flash then the PLM is not sending the X10 message to ISY (for any number of reasons).


In my case, the PLM does flash when the X10 is sent.

Having said that, I do notice that if an X10 signal is sent and there is no program for the PLM to act upon, no signal is sent via Insteon to anything. I have tested this by Sending an X10 Signal that has no program to respond to, and my Control Linc does not respond.My ISY does responds to all X10 Signals. I sometimes have to hold the button on my X10 remote for a few seconds for the PLM to respond. Again, in my case I know that all of my X10 signals go out to the line.

Do the Insteon and X10 signals get processed the same way (on the Zero crossing of the sine wave, etc.) or should they be?


You say the PLM flashes, but what about the ISY?


I have noticed at times that although the signal goes out on the line, and the Insteon devices flash (including the PLM), the PLM does not forward that signal to ISY (ISY does not flash in this case).

Have you installed any new printers or other euipment recently (Since this has happened)?

My experience with X10 is that new equipment (could be a new radio or electronic equipment) plays hell on X10 signals.


I don't believe I am experiencing any kind of signal strength issues.


Do the LEDs on the ISY flash when you send an X10 signal?


If they do flash then ISY is getting the X10 message and not processing it properly (By the way, there is no known problem with ISY processing X10 messages).


If they don't flash then the PLM is not sending the X10 message to ISY (for any number of reasons).


Hey Chris -


I tested by plugging an IR bridge into the same outlet as the PLM. When sending an X10 signal, the PLM flashes, but the ISY-26 does not.


Please let me know if there's anything I can try here, or do you think I may have a bad PLM?




Its a problem with the PLM. I had a similar situation here, but it corrected itself after awhile. I tried turning the PLM on/off, and it still didn't work. I then held down my X10 transmitter, flooding the network with X10 messages, and this seemed to "wake up" my PLM and its all working again.


Funny - I just read this post and went to try your suggestion, and X10 is currently working.


Any idea if this is a known issue SmartHome is working on? Do you suggest I swap out my PLM? Should I wait for a newer rev?




Chris you might want to check with Smarthome on the PLM, because I just had them trade mine out for new firmware and they said there was a known X10 issue with PLM version 4a that was fixed with the 5.(something) release of the PLM. I am waiting for my new one to arrive so I can get it swapped out and find out if that is my X10 issue.


The PLM on my ISY-26 is labeled:





I thought the 4A firmware was only for separate sale/use, not with the ISY-26? Did the ISY-26 ever ship with 4A PLMs?


PLM 4a came with mine; the funny thing was they sent me two for no reason other than my shipment got split so I ended up with two 4a modems when I got the ISY. I called them up and they told me just to keep the extra one. So long story short, the ISY did come with 4a modems.


I have sent a note to Smarthome, but it sounds like this is a known problem with 4A. I'm not sure if it has been fixed in the current version, but in my own experience with X10, I have only had it fail using 4A.


Your PLM is certainly ok to use with ISY-26, although as you have experienced, X10 may fail once in awhile. I'm not sure if SmartHome has fixed the problem with the PLM in later firmware versions, but as I get information I'll let you know.

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