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iOS 11 and MobiLinc


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Update: The informational https://mobilinc.com site and forum should be back up. Might need to clear the cache of the browser to get it to load. Hosting provider fixed their issue. On a related note, any hosting providers you use that you like?





Nope your site is still effectively down.  Can't navigate to any other than home page on Chrome.  You have a lot going wrong right now.


For those of us who use your app heavily to manage everything, this is massively frustrating and upsetting.  My home was affected by Hurricane Irma and need your app remotely to manage everything.  My comment is NO other app was affected by Ios 11... why are you still on ridiculously old code?  What did you expect coasting for 8 years?  This is yours to fix, not Apple's.  And you had plenty of notice.  I'm pretty darn upset.

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Update: I've got a workaround identified and will hopefully be able to submit the update tomorrow to Apple for approval.


For those interested, the longer answer is I was able to confirm that Apple broke backwards compatibility with XCode 8 compiled apps that setup the navigation bar in code vs storyboard. The workaround is to recompile and fix other UI bugs in XCode 9. This luckily went somewhat smoothly compared to last year when I updated the app to XCode 8 from XCode 7. Just to give you a point of reference, the update of MobiLinc to XCode 8 was seamless to the end user, but it took me 6 weeks of coding + another 3 weeks of testing to verify nothing broke. All just to stay current. It was a massive 2 month update effort that didn't buy us any new features which is a frustrating use of time. Also frustrating is when Apple knows and breaks backward compatibility of key features and just doesn't care to fix these before shipping major updates.


Thanks again for your understanding and patience. Will post back again when I've got more news.



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Can I assume this issue and fix is the same that keeps me from the "restore" icon under the navigation box?  I purchased an add-in on my ipad (because couldn't get to it on my iphone6), but now need to restore on iPhone (screen extender), so can use ML on iWatch.  Thanks for everything.  Lets us know the ETA.   Hope vacation was excellent.  - Jeff

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Update: I've got a workaround identified and will hopefully be able to submit the update tomorrow to Apple for approval.


For those interested, the longer answer is I was able to confirm that Apple broke backwards compatibility with XCode 8 compiled apps that setup the navigation bar in code vs storyboard. The workaround is to recompile and fix other UI bugs in XCode 9. This luckily went somewhat smoothly compared to last year when I updated the app to XCode 8 from XCode 7. Just to give you a point of reference, the update of MobiLinc to XCode 8 was seamless to the end user, but it took me 6 weeks of coding + another 3 weeks of testing to verify nothing broke. All just to stay current. It was a massive 2 month update effort that didn't buy us any new features which is a frustrating use of time. Also frustrating is when Apple knows and breaks backward compatibility of key features and just doesn't care to fix these before shipping major updates.


Thanks again for your understanding and patience. Will post back again when I've got more news.




This is awesome news!!

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Update: MobiLinc Pro, HD, and Orchestrated have been submitted to Apple for processing/review. Apple has informed us that they are experiencing delays in processing app updates. I don't know what that means from a timeline impact standpoint, but will post back when I know more or the app updates are approved.



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iOS should update automatically if you are on iOS 11. If you are on iOS 10, you won't see this update. If you go to the App Store and search for MobiLinc, you should see 4.13 listed as the latest version where you can Update here or from the "Updates" tab. Make sure you are signed in using the same iTunes account you used to purchase MobiLinc initially.



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Thanks for the update. I have noticed an extreme increase in connect and load times on both iPhone 7+ and iPad Pro10.5, both local and remote direct connection.

Also noticed my thermostat indicator I the sidebar now scrolls automatically between my ac setting/current temp/humidity.

New additions? or 5.0.10e kicked in a new gear?

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Hi cvanhoose,


The update was cosmetic only to address Apple's iOS 11 navigation bar bug. No network changes were in the latest release. Please contact us at support@mobilinc.com with your ISY's UUID so we can look up your ISY and investigate the ISY's connection health to MobiLinc Connect.


As for the sidebar...I'm not sure I understand your description of the problem. Can you also send a screenshot as well that illustrates the issue?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Wes.


As far as I know, 5.0.10E was not supported immediately after the release, and I tried it about a month after, with no success. I installed it today, and everything works as expected.


Thank you for your support and speedy reply.



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