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Canary ~ Cuts services & Moves to subscription model


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Yet another example of why the *Cloud First vs Local First* is such a terrible idea: https://boingboing.net/2017/10/05/clouds-are-other-peoples-compu.html


I have to say besides a really dumb (Canary) brand name the whole concept of sending (literally) private images to be stored in someones else's hardware makes no sense at all to me. To think there are people who embrace such a topology and believe its OK?!?! I have to shake my head as to the down turn of common sense of the people in this era.


A) You buy a product which on the face of it is sub par. Has a stupid name and isn't reliable.

B) You literally have no security or privacy because all of the data is sent off site where anyone can access it.

C) You literally are being held hostage to the data you own which also requires a constant Internet connection to access.

D) You literally don't own the product, data, access, and will be charged at some time for the same. As was seen in this article.


If there has ever been a perfect example of a complete fail these *Cloud First* toy like products exude it.

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