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How do I set Thermostat for a Vacation?


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I currently have a dozen or so programs that run my thermostats. I suppose that I could turn the folder that the programs are in to "run never", and then walk over to the thermostat and turn it to a cold setting (in the winter), then get on the plane... but I'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it. I have seen other posts where people have the "vacation button", but I don't have a KPL to turn on for this and I'm reading posts where the KPL's have problems.


Also: is there an easy way to have the thermostat switch from the winter heat settings to the summer cooling settings? (instead of "run never"ing the heat settings folder and removing "run never" from the cooling settings folder.)


edit: I have a weatherbug module, so could I use the outside temp to help make the changes?

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Here is my current idea. Anyone see a problem with this?


I have the ISY set the cool setpoint AND the heat setpoint at various times. An example would be to set the main part of the house to 65 degrees heat setpoint AND 75 degrees cool setpoint when that part of the house is not in use. Then use a motion sensor to change both of these setpoints to better numbers when the area is occupied.


I could then MANUALLY switch the thermostat from HEAT to COOL or vice-versa (in the fall or spring) when I feel it is necessary. Another option would be to put some kind of a parameter that changes from heat to cool if the inside temp gets greater than some certain temp and vice-versa.


Using this strategy, I am changing the cool settings regularly in the winter (and the heat settings in the summer) but this information isn't accomplishing anything because the thermostat is only in cool (or heat) mode.


One of the things that I am trying to avoid, during the spring and fall, is to be heating the house during the night and cooling it during the daytime.

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