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help troubleshooting keypadlinc


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Good Morning, 


I apologize in advance as I am certain this has been covered before - my normally adequate search skills have failed me today. 


I have a keypad in my family room that seems to have come "unprogrammed."  Suddenly a few days ago it stopped controlling the scenes programmed into it (basically a few lamp combinations).  


-I've tried a factory reset of the device (pulled set switch, held down set switch for 10 seconds) 


-After reset, I used "restore device" from the ISY menu.  After a few minutes, I get an error that it cannot communicate with the device and to check connections.  


-Running various diagnostic tools yields the same results.  


-I can control the dimmer via the ISY computer interface (so it's getting some communication?)


Any other suggestions for things to try?  






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Hello Phillip,


How old is the unit and can you let us know what model and production date it has? That information is listed on the face of the unit and the firmware is listed by the ISY Series Controller.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This sounds like "marginal" communications, potentially.  Your PLM...is it on a circuit with lots of other computer stuff?


Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes, it's on a circuit with a bunch of other computer stuff (router, NAS, sonos, etc).  But I've also had it set up the same way for 5 or 6 years without an issue.  


When I get back to the house I will figure out a way to test that later today.  

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Hello Phillip,


Thanks for the pictures they are perfect. Speaking from personal experience if after doing multiple hard resets & device restores. If the actual device can't hold its links it's the switch itself. More specifically it's the capacitors inside the unit. Your hardware is from 2011 produced in the 49th week. Those units exhibited those issues which I called out above. You can hard reset the switch and complete the device restore and see what happens if it works monitor it.


If it loses its links you have two choices replace with a new dual band unit or repair the switch by replacing all the capacitors like I did.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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When I get back to the house I will figure out a way to test that later today. 


 Temporarily power your PLM from a long extension cord from another circuit.  Does this help?


Regardless, I would filter all that computer stuff.  I don't care how long it has worked before.  Things get old and things stop working.  Your PLM is too important to risk interference from that other stuff.

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 Temporarily power your PLM from a long extension cord from another circuit.  Does this help?


Regardless, I would filter all that computer stuff.  I don't care how long it has worked before.  Things get old and things stop working.  Your PLM is too important to risk interference from that other stuff.

A filter has been installed since day 1!  

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Hello Phillip,


Thanks for the pictures they are perfect. Speaking from personal experience if after doing multiple hard resets & device restores. If the actual device can't hold its links it's the switch itself. More specifically it's the capacitors inside the unit. Your hardware is from 2011 produced in the 49th week. Those units exhibited those issues which I called out above. You can hard reset the switch and complete the device restore and see what happens if it works monitor it.


If it loses its links you have two choices replace with a new dual band unit or repair the switch by replacing all the capacitors like I did.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




Thanks for taking the time to offer advice.  A factory reset and restore from the ISY seems to have solved the problem for now.  I suspect that this device (one of my oldest) is on borrowed time.  


Thanks again, 


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Thanks for taking the time to offer advice.  A factory reset and restore from the ISY seems to have solved the problem for now.  I suspect that this device (one of my oldest) is on borrowed time.  


Thanks again, 



No worries ~ If at some point you replace the old hardware with new. If you're feeling handy you can engage me directly and I will offer you a link to a *How To* to replace the capacitors.


The worst case the hardware was going into the trash ~ Best case you gave it another 5~10 years of service life just by replacing a few cheap capacitors!

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