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ISY Factory reset


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Due to many communication and stability problems over the last couple of years, I want to factory reset every device including ISY and rebuild from scratch.

  • PLM appears deaf 
  • Intermittent sluggish response to scenes and programs
  • At times, scene(s) have to be triggered twice to complete all actions

All I my experience with X10 and Insteon tells me it's a Insteon communication issue. The forum and technical support agree...however it used to be rock solid for a decade with no major changes in the house other then a handful of new devices.

  • Wired a second dedicated circuit for the PLM and ISY
  • Installed filters on most electronic devices
  • Added more Dual Band devices
  • Replaced PLM several times
  • Replaced devices that seem to have issues more then others
  • Bottom line the system is still not Robust so I want to start from scratch

I have a brand new 2413S as part of the rebuild. My Question is, after the ISY Factory reset, What version firmware will it come back on? If it comes back on the latest version I upgraded to, how do I know some of the issues I have are not related to a corrupt upgrade somewhere along the line? I also do not trust my backups. I figure the best plan is to take the time and rebuild the entire system to remove all doubt.

  • Factory reset all Insteon devices
  • Factory reset the ISY
  • Install the new PLM - Power the ISY
  • Start adding devices a handful at a time
  • Verify performance for a few days, build a few scenes and programs for the devices.
  • Continue adding devices in increments over a couple of weeks, if an issue occurs delete the last device(s) and see if system recovers
Model: ISY 994i 1024
Platform: ISY-C-994
Version: 4.5.4
Build Timestamp: 2016-09-30-16:12:25


About 60 insteon devices (10 Dual band

2413S PLM/ISY on dedicated circuit from panel box



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Your controller will come back up as using 4.5.4. Having said this you need to be on 4.6.2 as this added lots of improvements and squished previous bugs. It also ensures if you had the weather module it will continue to operate. Anything below that level of firmware would have disabled the weather module.


Loading 4.6.2 firmware will ensure the controller is fine. Ensure you follow up with a hard reboot after the soft reboot has completed.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Teken
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Thanks Teken.

I will complete the 4.6.2 firmware upgrade before I start the rebuild.


In yours or others experience, have you ever seen an ISY cause the symptoms I mentioned? Other then a hard failure, can it cause problems due to a corrupted up upgrade?

I don't expect my ISY to have an issue. I only ask because the devices will be factory reset, the PLM will be new but the ISY will retain the current firmware so I'm unsure what a factory reset actually does other then remove all devices.. 


If I upgrade the firmware does that patch the existing firmware or write all new firmware to the eprom?

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Thanks Teken.

I will complete the 4.6.2 firmware upgrade before I start the rebuild.


In yours or others experience, have you ever seen an ISY cause the symptoms I mentioned? Other then a hard failure, can it cause problems due to a corrupted up upgrade?

I don't expect my ISY to have an issue. I only ask because the devices will be factory reset, the PLM will be new but the ISY will retain the current firmware so I'm unsure what a factory reset actually does other then remove all devices.. 


If I upgrade the firmware does that patch the existing firmware or write all new firmware to the eprom?


- Upgrading the firmware wipes the old and installs a new one on to the EPROM.


- The most common ISY Series Controller failure(s) ( by this its not common ~ just what happens ) is a improperly seated Micro SD card, Failing Micro SD card, Failing power supply.


- The next most common problem is a failing Insteon 2413S PLM ~ Which you're quite aware of.


- The next most common problem for *Perceived COMM* issues is due to noise makers / signal suckers in the home. 




Since you're committed to hard resetting every single Insteon device and literally starting from scratch. If you find after rebuilding your Insteon network there are still issues like devices not turning on / off. Its more likely you have communication issues which are related to noise makers / signal suckers. The most direct approach is to unplug every device in the home and do a scene test via the Admin Console.


If everything operates as you expect and there aren't any comm issues or delays you will simply add one single electrical device until there is an issue. Your choices are remove, replace, filter the offending device. 


Let me know if you need more insight or guidance . . .

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